Thanks for your well thought out and measured response, Jacqui.
We did miss you, Bill B., Walter, and the other PBSS members and we value your 
opinions as well as 
ALL of the opinions of the other TSA members that weren't present.
All opinions and ideas are welcomed and equal, even if your voice doesn't carry 
quite so far as some others.
The simple fact, though, is that when you have an issue presented at a meeting, 
you have to go with the 
overwhelming wishes of the members present, and that's what we did.
I am glad to see that we have over 20 members that have signed up for 
electronic access to the TC, but, that is still
not enough to get us back into the black budget wise, IMHO.
As y'all will soon find out, I may be an independent voter, but, I'm a fiscal 
conservative when it comes to members' money and think
the TSA needs to get back to the business of caving as our main thrust, with a 
nice side benefit of a slick newsletter that is published quarterly 
(bi-monthly?) to keep the members informed as to what other members have been 
up to.
This is my vision for the TSA and I hope you agree.
This is how it was years ago and I it seems to be a good way to go. 
If the response remains poor, we will have to revisit this issue and 
contemplate raising fees, at least for those who prefer the hard copy.
Maybe a decrease in fees for those that go strictly electronic.
As you said, we'll see how this current action goes and revisit in April.
As far as books read, I picked up The DaVinci Code for a buck at a garage sale. 
What a great book! I betcha it would have made a great movie and I'm surprised 
it didn't sell a lot of books!   8^)>
I'm now reading Excavation by James Rollins (caves, Inca ruins and curses, and 
an evil arm of the Catholic Church) and God Bless John Wayne! by Kinky Friedman.

See you in April, Jacqui, and all other TSA members!


From: J. LaRue Thomas []
Sent: Tue 1/20/2009 7:44 AM
Subject: [Texascavers] All this latest stuff

I have been in TSA a few years and know most of you. I know no one means to
say my opinions do not mean anything because I had a prior commitment to a
PBSS project and chose missing Winter meeting over disappointing a
landowner. (This is why Winter meeting had no PBSS attendees).

But when you say members who can't/don't show up at meetings have no say in
TSA affairs you are flat-out wrong. We are members; we have a say. I am
pleased to know there will be a posted agenda for the next meeting, because
members can then contact the secretary to get items added to the agenda.
People who cannot attend will feel represented and people who are interested
in any or all agenda irems will be certain to be there.

A decision was made re: electronic Caver. Let us either sign up for the
Caver online or keep with the hard copy. We have degenerated into
second-guessing and opining and it's time to go with the decision. We can't
reevaluate anything if no one gives the new plan a chance. Let's all give it
our best shot and put reevaluation on the agenda of the Spring meeting.

Anybody read any good books lately? (Oh, Mixon, thanks for the review;  the
world needs more grammar police).

Jacqui Thomas

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