Puppy here.? I haven't opened my texas cavers mail folder in a long time (1,236 
unread messages) since topics tend to vary way off of caving at times but I saw 
the epic Honey Creek title and couldn't help jumping back in to tell my long 
winded epic. So delete now if you've already seen the movie.

Yes I had a bit more of an adventure than everyone else (well except for that 
lucky Ninja brown, but his adventure was fun). Diana isn't to blame and neither 
is Bill (although I won't ever let him forget he forgot me). I pushed myself 
too far by attempting HC 6 days after running a marathon. My feeble attempt to 
help Creature carry a tank back out made me realize just how far gone my body 
was and I should have stuck closer to someone. And by the way Creature is one 
of the most incredible super human cavers I have ever known. I watched her grab 
a tank and practically run when I could barely carry my pack and her Tang at a 
slow crawl. 

This is a bit long but it was my way to document for myself my experience so I 
thought i would share it as well.

I remember passing the water well and yelling a good "yahoo" knowing the exit 
was near. plus at this point the water is deeper and much easier to float on my 
pack and rest my body with minimal effort of just moving with my toes. then 
came the cold and fog and I thought wow I didn't know there was another air 
access point (hhmmnn wonder if bill knows about this). so I kept going enjoying 
my easy float. then the fog cleared and after a few minutes I realized I 
apparently just had never looked up from following the crowds because this part 
of the cave is quite nice. rock bottom, nice and clear and quite pretty. I 
wondered if somehow I had taken a wrong turn so I stopped, listened and heard 
bill and several others splashing and talking still coming in my direction thus 
i must be going the right way still. I went on about 10 more minutes (I didn't 
have a watch) when I came across a very low ceiling and I knew I had never been 
here before. For the first time in hours my brain actually sparked and said oh 
shit. suddenly all the pieces: fog, cold, etc clicked.I turned back but I 
wasn't panicked because I would run into everyone in 10-15 min I was sure. It 
took about 10min to make my way back to the entrance going at a fast pace only 
to find three harnesses (two extras and my own) hanging but no cable. Not a 
problem they are just in the middle of un hooking people so I put my harness 
on, shined my light up a few times and waited,?5 min later nothing. I shined my 
brightest pelican light up the shaft and yelled for a minute or two but I knew 
that was useless if no one was actually looking down. I've been through this 
exit twice before so I knew it was a mad dash from the shaft to your tent to 
get dry and warm and shove something in your mouth then pass out.? I was 
getting very cold very fast so I set a timeline of yelling for a few more 
minutes then I would focus on sheltering in place for the night. The low was 
around 35 that night and a strong wind comes straight down that shaft but I 
rationalized I couldn't risk moving 

farther back into the cave for fear someone would come back for the gear.

Then my light died and I messed around with an alternate light and switching 
out another light out of creatures bag to make sure I had plenty of backup. I 
still had two long sleeve thermal shirts and two pairs of running tights and 
dry thermal socks that I had in my dry bag for the wait at the end. Creatures 
bag I just found a skimpy pair of spandex hotpants (sorry creature, but I got 
the biggest laugh out of that at that moment since there wasn't enough material 
to keep one nugget warm) The shaft area is all standing water, but through a 
crack near the floor where I could see a shelf of rock just above water level 
in the adjoining room. I put the gear bags against the crack to block the wind 
and went to the other side and moved lots of rock to make a bed. It was 
equivalent to climbing under a standard 2'x5' coffee table. once i was situated 
out of the water I attempted to exchange my boots and neoprene socks for a pair 
of nice dry thermal socks (not easily done with an 18" ceiling) along with the 
two pairs of tights (over my harness of course). my feet were already light 
blue and my toes dark blue when I put the socks on.??I didn't want to put my 
wet boots back on so to keep them dry I dumped out my dry bag and put both feet 
in the bag in case my feet slipped off the shelf during the night into the 
water. I also had two trash bags that I poked my head out the top of that I 
could keep my arms inside and I would breath into the bag to add heat.

So there I laid occasionally pulling my face out of the bag to watch my breath 
freeze in the air. I was shivering quite profusely for what seemed like hours 
but I really don;t know. I thought of all kinds of ways to communicate with the 
top but?most involved getting on the internet to which I actually thought of 
going to sleep, dreaming and finding someone that could call bill.? I even 
tried to use my touch screen computer monitor on the ceiling but?dirt would 
fall into my eyes and I learned not to touch the screen.?Eventually I started 
noticing odd things in the ceiling (a few inches above my face) such as very 
colorful sweater covered dogs. There was an art exhibit I wanted to see in 
Houston a few weeks earlier where an artist took some taxidermy animals and 
knitted bright outfits along with rearranging body parts between different 
animals (The museum of un-natural science). Well those animals were in 3d on 
the ceiling. I touched one but just got a few specks of dirt?flakes in my eye 
so I learned not to pet the animals. :7. I knew the image was fake so it 
actually added entertainment.?I've had hallucinations once before?after 48hours 
straight of paddling in?the texas water safari race so I know how vivid and 
real my hallucinations can be but?this was pretty freaky. I kept one low power 
LED on shining against a far wall in case someone dropped in to the shaft they 
might see the adjoining room was partially lit. (I also had a teather to a gear 
bag so no one could remove it without finding me.)
but I shut off the light to douse the images. a while later a noise?got my 
attention and I found I was no longer shivering hard but rather very very 
light. I yelled out but still just a false alarm. My pulse was reallly slow 
which at the time I took as a good sign that I wasn't panicked. then the most 
bizarre event of my trip happened. I heard a mumbled voice so I flipped on 
lights and looked to see if anyone had dropped down. then I saw a man in a 
brown jumpsuit, helmet w/carbide lamp (not lit) in the corner. It was my uncle 
(still alive by the way). He?introduced me to geology and fossil hunting as a 
kid but never did any caving so this was odd. He just said I was doing good and 
to keep warm. I laughed and he was gone.?I'm not religious, but at this point I 
felt if I went to sleep I would either wake up in the hospital or not at all. I 
still had no?emotions with any of this and simply accepted the facts. So I said 
the lords prayer and?what I could remember of my favorite Irish blessing then 
closed my eyes.??And before you ask why I didn't go back farther into the cave 
and warm up? For one I was determined to be near those harnesses?because i was 
confident someone was coming back for them, and because I was almost petrified 
of getting wet again.?

After that I think I actually slept for the first time and was awakened by the 
start of the tractor. I looked over into the shaft room to see a big 
round?circle on the floor where the sun was?shining. I grabbed my boots, nearly 
fell into the water and made?a quick dash for the shaft. the tractor wasn't 
running but then to my horror i saw a bar across the shaft entrance and I 
thought Oh crap they are putting those metal locking slats in. I have never 
yelled sooo loud I was frantic for about a min until I realized that was the 
upper support bar where the pully is. :7?? then someone looked in to the shaft 
and waved (it was one of the kids I later learned). I was relieved they knew I 
was down here. but then it took forever until I finally saw the line move and 
people hoisted up. HUGE relief. then as creature entered the top dome I yelled 
out "Good morning!!? Is it nice and warm up there on the surface?" Then Bill 
dropped down and our eyes met and I could see every single neuron clicking 
together in his head spelling out "oh shit".?It took all of a millisecond for 
him to realize I had either been down there all night or this was a bad 
practical joke. 

Being the calm cool person Bill is I think he started yelling at me something 
to the effect of how the hell did you get behind me, what happened, etc, etc. 
To which I replied that it would have been nice if there had been an rope 
hanging in the shaft since there were still 3 harnesses on the line. ?I think 
our confrontation ended when we both realized I was very cold and would love to 
be out of the cave. So they both checked my harness, hooked me up and got my 
ass out of there. One of them was telling me to leave the trash bags on because 
it was cold up there. I laughed and said I could handle it. 

On top everyone kicked into high gear when they realized what had happened.? I 
was whisked away to a luxurious two bedroom "HEATED" camper with a nice big bed 
and lots of blankets. Stripped of my wetsuit and everything else I put some dry 
things on and slipped into the covers. Vivian and Ellie (that girl can leap 
like a gazelle). Used their warm hands to warm my arms and legs. then plied me 
with warm (not hot) oatmeal and chili. then the coffee came and within 20 min 
or so I had feeling?back in my limbs.?

My mind?clicked back in place pretty quick and within an hour or so I would say 
I felt pretty much back to normal with the exception of a the typical muscle 
aches and such that come after caving. I was really happy that I was able to 
personally return the boyscout?knife that Diana T had lent me since it was very 
much needed and I am so very thankful she caught onto the fact that I did not 
have a knife before entering HC.? My doc checked me out the next week and was 
only worried abut all the cuts and bruises on my shins to which I laughed and 
said so it's it's ok If I run the Austin marathon in 2 weeks? She thought I was 

So there's my story.? I'm not done with Honey creek cave (call me a masochist 
if you wish) but I'm not going to learn something and then?avoid the fun 
altogether. I'm still more worried about dying driving to and from my hobbies 
than the hobbies themselves. My recommendation for the exit procedures for HC 
are simply that no one goes down the shaft without a harness of their own (or 
borrowed specifically for them). No borrowing of harnesses from people already 
down the shaft. Every caver in the cave should have a harness hanging on that 
line down there. if there is one harness left then there is one caver in the 
cave and the rope stays down. 


PS: It wasn't until later sunday night when I received a message asking how I 
was doing that I was reminded of the fun I had during the wait for Ninja Brown 
to dive. The brief conversation sparked a slew of memories I had forgotten 
about such as the infamous "Glass Scented Candle" (moonlight walk or something 
sweet like that) and the gourmet 5 course MRE meal that Mallory cooked up, 
the?kitchen cleaning jokes, the brokeback caver jokes, it?all fell into place 
and I was happy. ?My favorite quote from the brokeback caver group (those up 
front). "WHAT? You actually saw that movie??"

PSS: In case you forgot already: Creature is one of the most incredible super 
human cavers I have ever known.

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