(I know this is a topic which most people would typically keep to
themselves, but as far as airing personal issues in public - but I wouldn't
be the first to do so...And this has some positive information that others
might actually benefit from!)
You've probably seen a post or article somewhere on the net about a link
between breast cancer and underarm deodorant.
Well, I know I have.
As it would happen, the other day I'm chatting with my neighbor - who asked
me what I'd been doing today - I'd just got back from buying groceries and
it struck me - crap, I forgot about something.   I told him "I just got back
from shopping - but darnit - I forgot to buy deodorant - I'm out".  He said
- "I never use that stuff".  WHAT?  I'm like - "how do you get away with
that?  I've never ever been able to smell you from a distance!"   He said -
"No, I use limes.  One lime can keep me from being stinky for two or three
So I looked it up on the net and didn't find anything except for lime
scented deodorants.
Undaunted, I bought 14 little key limes at HEB for $1 and decided to give it
a try.
After showering, I cut one tiny lime in half - squeezed the juice out of one
half in the palm of my hand - rubbed the juice between my hands and then
slathered my armpits in lime juice.
That's been a couple of weeks ago and I haven't put one microgram of
aluminum chlorhydrate under my arms.  I think this is great!
I'm not sure which is cheaper - but I'm pretty darn confident that raw,
unadulterated lime juice is way better to use on your body than a pasty
stick composed of a chemical cocktail. Plus - you can always find limes in

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