
In 1990, I was working for a respectable engineering company that had
computers doing
drafting ( Intergraph ).    They were powered by a mainframe, using a
language by DEC.

I wanted to impress the IT guy, and was trying to learn as much about
it as I could.

Fortunately, this guy was pretty smart.    He said

"David, take my advice.    The stuff we have here is crappy junk and
will be obsolete,
before you know it."

I thought he just didn't have the patience to work with me.     But I
am glad I listened to him.
Because, since leaving that company I have never seen such a system.
   Ever since then
when some new computer thing came out, I was impressed, but not as excited.

I feel like most of my computer knowledge is useless.     Companies
don't care what I used to
know.    They only care about what I can do with the software that
they have on their
computers.      They all seem to want years of experience with AutoCAD
2008, when most
companies are just now getting around to buying it.      The dilema is
you can't get the
experience unless you have the job.


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