What do you think?

Is this art ?    Is this thought provoking?

Is this sacrilegious ?

Is this porno ?

Is she hot or what ?

What if it had been a Muslim woman and an Islamic image ?

Does Freedom of Speech really give Playboy the right ?

I think there should have been a portion of her nipple in the picture,
and I think it should have been more clearer that she was not wearing
panties.     You have to really squint and use your imagination to see
anything down there.

But other than that, I don't think the picture bothers me.

Would you buy this issue?

Would God be disappointed in Playboy ?     Why does he let Hugh Hefner
live the most incredible life any man on earth has ever lived ?
When historians
a thousand years from now, re-write history.     They will say things
like Aristotle,
Copernicus, Heffner, etc.     There will be little if any mention of
Washington, Lincoln,
Kennedy, and Queen Elizabeth, etc.

The sad truth is that I have probably never bought a Playboy magazine
in my entire
life, but that was a financial decision instead of a moral one.


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