What Bill says below is a big reason for the International Congress of
Speleology (ICS). Have you considered leading or helping to lead a caving
trip for the ICS, which runs from 19-26 July 2009 in Kerrville? Travis Scott
and Joe Mitchell are organizing caving trips for the ICS and need trip
leaders and co-leaders. In addition to just the fun of such trips, ICS trip
leaders are often invited to go caving internationally to some fantastic
caves and areas they never considered or thought accessible. Though you'd
have to pay your overseas, caver hosts often provide lodging, in-country
transportation, and some meals to reduce the overall expense. I can't
promise this would happen if you lead a trip, but I've seen it happen many
times at past Congresses.


While the ICS is several months away, preparations for trips need to be made
now. To help or for more information, contact Travis and Joe at:


Travis Scott: tra...@oztotl.com 

Joe Mitchell: joemitch...@satx.rr.com 






From: Bill Bentley [mailto:ca...@caver.net] 
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 5:49 PM
To: Cavers Texas
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] On the value of outreach


I also think it is important that every caver go on a cave trip at least
once with a group of cavers that he doesn't know or just met. It can give
you a better perspective of how other groups go caving. From the tone of the
trip, expertise, to the techniques used, and to how people interact. I have
done this before and besides being interesting, it can be fun. 

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