If applicable, I hope that legal action is brought against Stalcup and others 
for their stupid and possibly unauthorized act.
The city should be made to restore the spring which in time should recover from 
the damage. It appears that it might be suitable for a small neighborhood park. 
Maybe TCMA could become involved.

From: Jules Jenkins [mailto:julesje...@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 4:46 PM
To: texascavers@texascavers.com
Subject: [Texascavers] Filling in a spring w/rocks and gravel to prevent flow? 

Latest breaking news from Ch. 8 in Austin
Salado spring bubbles up controversy

I know, hey there's a spring and we're in DROUGHT, quick fill it in, it's a 
hazard!  DUH!

"The City of Salado used a tractor to dump rocks and gravel back into the 

Mayor Merle Stalcup said he acted in the community's best interest."

Read it and weep.

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