Yesterday the Dow dropped 239 points.
Today it climbed a bit more than 266!
My little portfolio was up 4.6%.
Gold was down 11 bucks! (I'm thinking that means the dollar is worth about
1.2 cents more than yesterday - the dollar climbed 1.02% against the Euro)
The price of Texas sweet crude [USO] was down 2.50. (Now LESS than $100 -
why the Texas sweet crude index fund is 10 to 20 dollars less than the world
market price - I dunno! Maybe it's because it climbs as it follows the world
market price, but it really doesn't cost so much to make in the first
place.  It has been this way year after year - maybe someone can tell me why
that is)
Natural Gas was down too - all the energy commodities and stocks.

Question is - how many others out there have had a wild and bumpy ride JUST


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