Hello fellow cavers, I have something I'd like to toss out to this mailing
group. I'm no longer an active caver but I would like some good solid advice
on what I'm about to present.

Please note I haven't gone caving in several years but I know better than to
tresspass or break any land owners rules.
I went down to a ranch and resort in Real County right along the Frio River
a few weeks back. While the owners of the private campground layed out the
rules they did mention that on the small mountain they owned that one could
hike up there was a small cave with bones in it. The owners also told me not
to go near the cave or in the cave because they didn't want my bones in
there to. I didn't say anything about once being a caver for my own reasons,
I just nodded my head and said okay as the last thing I wanted to do was
stir up trouble and have to loose my vacation.

What I need help on is, IF one was to talk to the owners of this campground
about their cave via e-mail or phone what would be the best way to approach
them about it? I have no idea what I would say. Any thoughts? Please note
this is a serious question, I really don't know what to do here.

-Colin Eby
Brownwood, Texas

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