Thumbs.db are Windows droppings. ThumbsPlus by Cerious Software also uses a thumbs.db for its default image database.
Windows thumbnail cache - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Each folder with initiated thumbnail views (that is where they have displayed a Thumbnails or Filmstrip view in Windows Explorer) will have a Thumbs.db file ...

You wrote on: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 16:32:23 -0500
From: Gill Ediger  e-mail:
> At 12:20 PM 7/31/2008, Louise Power wrote:
>>These were announced by our State Office. Just be aware.
> Speaking of viruses: I have for some months had a file in my computer
> which looks suspicious but seems to do nothing. My
> anti-virus/security program seems to think nothing of it. The file is:
>         thumbs.db
> and has placed itself in nearly every (maybe every) directory/folder
> in my computer. If I delete it from a directory, it comes back the
> next time I reboot.
> Does anybody have any information on this silly file and where it
> came from and do I need to do anything about it?
> Huh?
> --Ediger
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