
It's that time again to check your TSA membership status prior to the
next issue of the TEXAS CAVER being sent out later this month.

The next issue is chock full of trip reports, great photos, and a
plethora of info on the upcoming TCR and ICS 2009.

More importantly, you can check to see whether you are a member in good
standing and eligible to vote on the Land Fund Dispersal motion at TCR
and on other worthy issues at the TSA Business meeting on Sunday,
October 12th.

We've had an excellent response to this periodic announcement and have
added quite a few new members (yeah!) and a lot of renewals.

If you could take the time to peruse the rather lengthy list below, you
can see if you're paid up as a TSA Member in good standing or not, or
were ever a member.

If you ever attended a caving function in the Lone Star state, you're
also on this list.

If you're currently not a member in good standing, please don't despair
and wail and gnash your teeth.

There's no reason to be a member of the unwashed masses. There's still

Join the TSA for a measly $20 (cheap!) at:

While you're at it, join the NSS, the TCMA, the TCC, the TSS, and any
other worthy group you see listed in the "Links" section.

Also, if you know some of the folks listed below and they do not have
email, please contact them and beg them to join or rejoin.

Finally, if y'all could take this list to your respective Grotto
meetings and encourage folks to join or re-up, that would be great!

Thanks and hope you've had a great summer and enjoy the next TC, coming
to a mail box near you, but, only if you're paid up!


Mark Alman
TC Editor and TSA Secretary

TSA Membership and General Caver Listing - 8/4/8)                       
Exp.Month       LASTNAME        FIRSTNAME
                Abercrombie     Don
                Adams   Leah Jane
                Adams   Mary
                Addison Aaron
                Addison Anica
2006    12      Albach  Cindy
2006    12      Albach  Robert
                Alcorn  Ardeth
                Alcorn  William
                Alexander       Brigitte
                Alexander       E. Calvin
                Alexander       Ed
2004    9       Alger   Brian
                Alger   Susan
                Allen   Mary
                Allman  Lynn
2008    10      Alman   Mark
                Alspaugh        Melanie
2008    11      Anderson        Bruce
2008    11      Anderson        Donna
                Anderson        Dustin
2008    10      Anderson        Michael
2006    4       Anderson        Michael S.
2005    10      Anderson        Terry
                Anguiano        Javier
2007    10      Appleman        Lori
2010    5       Arburn  Don
2009    5       Arburn  Jenni
                Arendy  Jonathan
2008    10      Arens   Katie
                Arnold  Codre
                Arriens Tina
2008    10      Atkinson        Gerald
                Attolini        Franco
                Backman Oz
                Bacon   Mike
                Baer    Chloe
                Bailey  Joyce E.
                Baker   Chris
                Baker   Cindy
                Baker   Donna
2009    6       Baker   Randy
                Baldauf Jim and Roz
                Bales   Michael P.
                Balin   Donna
                Ballengee       Joe
                Ballinger       Royce
                Bamberger       J David
                Banahan Ben
2004    6       Barber  Robin
                Bariteau        Gloria
                Bariteau        Richard
2007    10      Barker  Barbe
2009    5       Barker  Donald
                Barksdale       Marcus
2009    1       Barnard Dale
2009    1       Baron   Peter 
                Baron   Tina
                Barsotti        Nan (Austin)
2009    5       Bartholomew     Roger
                Barwick Paul
                Bassham Elbert
                Batson  Bobby Joe
                Bauknecht       Jeff
                Bauknecht       Mary Ann
                Baxter  Slim
                Beach   Anna
                Beard   Kevin
                Beecher Ward
2008    10      Bell    Bill
                Bell    David
                Bell    Jeffrey
2005    10      Belski  Carol
                Belski  Dave
                Bennett Carl
                Bennett John R.
                Bennett Marlo
                Bennett Melissa
                Bentley Brian P.
                Bentley Don
2008    10      Bentley William (Bill) T.
                Berkeley-Jones  Catherine
                Berner  Fred
                Berner  Lila
                Berrones        Lucile
                Berrones        Oscar
2009    4       Beveridge       Aimee
                Biegert Carolyn
                Bigham  Susan
                Bilbo   Mike
2008    10      Billings        Sam
2009    8       Binney  Frank
                Bisbal  Leopoldo
2009    3       Bishop  Darla
2009    3       Bishop  Robert
2008    11      Bisset  John
2008    11      Bisset  Missy
2008    11      Bisset  Robert
                Bittinger       Craig
                Bittinger       Mike
                Bittinger       Molly
                Bittinger       Pat
2008    10      Bittinger       Stanley
                Blauveilt       Rodney
2004    3       Blaylock        Laura
                Blevins Alan
                Blodgett        Jim
                Blum    Carmi
                Blum    Eugene
                Boehm   Steve
                Bohl    Laura
2007    3       Bombay  Bart
2009    6       Borengasser     Grace
                Boswell David
2006    8       Bouthilet       Robert (Bob)
2005    10      Bowden  Jim 
                Boyd    Scott
                Breining        Denis G.
                Brey    Mark
                Bridges Tim
2010    5       Brooks  Bill
2008    10      Brooks  John P
2008    10      Broussard       Don
                Brown   Dan F
                Brown   James C.
                Brown   Jeff
                Brown   Joann
2008    10      Brown   Tom
2008    10      Brown   Vicki
2009    1       Bryant  Michelle M.
2009    1       Bryant  Paul
2009    1       Bryant  Stephen
                Buck    Landon
                Buntenbah       Chris
                Burch   Jack C.
                Burgan  Brad
                Burgan  Terry
2009    6       Burks   E. Wayne
2009    5       Burleson        Robert (Bob)
                Burnett Chris
                Burnett Lori
2008    10      Burnett Rune (Robert)
2004    10      Burnett Sonya
2008    5       Burrell Christi
2008    5       Burrell Mike
                Bush    Meghan
                Buursink        Marc
                Byrd    Lilly
2008    10      Byrd    Tom
                Cagle   Karin
2008    11      Cagle   Michael
                Calhoun Sandi
2004    8       Callaway        Page
                Calvert William
                Campbell        Elizabeth
2009    5       Campbell        Justin
                Campbell        Valerie
2008    5       Campbell        Wendy
2008    4       Cantrell        Lisa and Jim
                Carbajal        Diane
                Carroll Arthur & Sylvia
2007    10      Carroll Danial
2007    10      Carroll Haylee
                Casares Jenny
                Cavanaugh       Maureen
                Celis   Regina
                Chambers        Alissa
                Chambers        Noah
                Chapuis Laura
                Charlton        William  
                Chastain        Jerry
2008    5       Chelf   John
2008    5       Chelf   Susan
2008    4       Chomak  S.P.
                Cicherski       Melissa
2009    4       Cicherski       Michael
                Cipolla Joseph
                Clark   Edie
                Clark   Reign & Dean
2007    3       Clary   Jim
                Clay    Michael
                Clements        Jimmy L.
2008    10      Cobb    Allan
                Cobb    Marlena E.
                Coe     Laura
                Coffin  Gralin
2004    10      Cogle   Mike
                Cohen   Cindy
                Coke    James
                Collins Rick
2007    2       Colson  Matt
                Conley  Dennene
                Conly   Laura
                Connolly        Kim
                Connolly        Mike
                Conover Mark
                Conway  Melynn D
                Cook    Joseph
2009    4       Cooper  Don
                Cooper  Micah
                Copp    Amanda
                Corales Cameron
2009    6       Corbell Rick
                Cosby   Trinity
                Cothrum Gary
                Coulter Michael
2008    10      Cowell  Robert (Bob)
                Cox     Jake
                Cox     Lex
                Cox     Ron
2006    1       Cox     Tammy
                Crader  Mitch
2009    4       Cradit  Jon
                Cradit  Lisa
                Craven  Spencer
2009    8       Creaser Stefan
2008    6       Crisman Bart
                Crisman Jolene
                Cronenwett      Bill
2008    11      Crosby  George
2008    11      Crosby  Kay
                Cruse   Dick
                Cunningham      Michael
                Cure    Harry
2006    10      Curras  Jose A.
                Currle  Amber
                Currle  Mike
2004    10      Custer  David
2008    11      Daniels Bruce (Ruff)
                Dapkus  Donald
                Darilek Glenn
2008    11      Dase    Daniel
2008    5       Datri   Joe
2007    5       Davila  Lee
2004    3       Davila  Robert
                Davis   Kimberly
                Daw     Patty
                Dawson  Glenda (Gandalf)
                Deal    Dwight
                Dean    Lee Ann
                DeCarli Linnet
                Delk    Karen
2007    10      DeLuna  David
2007    10      DeLuna  Joann
2009    6       Dennison        Dan
                Derado  Samuel
                Devine  Brynn
                DiTullio        Cindy
                DiTullio        Stephen
                Dolan   Nick
                Dong    Laura
                Dooley  George and Kay
                Dougan  David
                Doversberger    Terry
2006    10      Downs   Stephanie
                Dreiss  Jimmy
                Dreiss  Terri
                Droms   Yvonne
                DuBose  Sara
2008    10      Duncan  Paul
                Dunning Joanna
                Dunning Randall
                Earl    Wade
                Earlandson      Ralph
2005    10      Ediger  Gill
2004    4       Elliott Jimmy
2008    11      Elliott William R.
2005    10      Ellison Dale
                Elwell  Steve
                Engelberger     David
                Eptine  Katelyn
                Ervin   Nicole
                Estes   James
                Evans   Brian
                Evans   Dan
2007    10      Evans   Janie
                Evans   Karen
2007    10      Evans   T. R.
2009    2       Ewen    Alexa
2008    9       Fabich  Ryan
2009    2       Fambro  Paul
                Fant    Enora
                Fant    Jerry
2008    10      Feaster Walter
                Feely   Jim
                Fell    Justin
                Fell    Mica
2005    10      Fenner  Chad
                Fielding        Lynn
                Fieseler        Ron
                Figg    Todd
2008    11      Fitzsimmons     Janet 
                Flannigan       Mike
2006    1       Fleming Stephen
                Flint   Eric
2007    10      Flood   Drew
2007    10      Flood   Stacie
                Florer  Tom
                Fogarty John
                Ford    Mary Jane
2008    10      Formanek        Don
                Formanek        Hans
2008    10      Formanek        Sid
                Forshaw Hayley
                Foxhall Don
                Foxhall Naome
                Fraga   Ron
2008    10      Fralia  Butch
2008    5       Franklin        Gary
2008    10      Fraser  Dan
2008    10      Frazer  Sheree
                FrazIer Claire
2005    10      Freeby  Bruce
2004    4       Freeman James
                Freeman Rae
                Frey    Carlann
                Frey    Joe
                Fromen  Carl
2008    10      Fromen  Charles
2005    4       Fulkerson       Richard
                Furman  Joe
                Furman  Michael
                Gale    John
                Gaubert Adam
                Gary    Marcus
                Gary    Robin
2007    10      Garza   Ernest
                Gatewood        Jim
                Gatlin  Tayler
                Gayley  Andrew
2009    4       Gee     Mark
                Geery   Patrick
2008    10      Geisler Stephen
                Geist   Gregg
                Gelsone Ed
2008    10      Gemar   Edward
2009    6       Germany Julia
2004    4       Gers    David E.
                Gibbard Kristin
                Giles   Clark
                Giles   Susie
                Gilpin  Dennis
2009    5       Gluesenkamp     Andy
2009    5       Gluesenkamp     Leah
                Goerdt  Billy
                Goerlitz        Dennis
2008    5       Goff    Ed
2006    10      Goggin  Keith
2006    10      Goggin  Lisa
2009    5       Goke    Rod
2009    3       Goldsmith       Charles
                Goldsmith       Glen
                Goldsmith       Tammy
                Gomez   Beatriz
                Gonzalez        Brett
2007    12      Gonzalez-Luna   Rodolfo (Fofo)
2007    3       Goodbar Katherine
                Goodman Alan
2007    3       Graham  Sherry
                Grant   Cynthia
2008    10      Graves  Lee Jay
                Graves  Melissa
                Green   Brad W.
                Green   John
2004    6       Green   Ronald
                Gregory Gregg
                Gregory Mark
                Gregory Weston
                Gregston        Terry
                Gressett        Gary and Susan
                Grimes  Frank
2009    3       Gross   Michael
                Grubb   Jubal
2008    10      Grubbs  Andy
2008    3       Grubbs  Janice
                Guerra  Leo
                Gunsch  Tonya
                Gutting Patty
2008    10      Gutting Steve
2008    11      Haddock Howard
                Hajdik  Joanna
                Halcro  Robert and Melinda
                Hales   Lori Ann
2004    10      Hall    Chris
                Hallock Thomas
                Hanson  James
                Hannah  Barbara
                Hannah  David
2005    8       Hardie  John
2006    3       Harper  J. Jackson
2006    3       Harper  Maryanne Moore
                Harper  Tod
                Harrelson       Michael
2008    10      Harris  Michael
2008    11      Harris  Will
2008    11      Harrison        Blake
2006    10      Harrison        Dominique
                Harrison        Jyl
                Harrison        Ron
                Hauwert Nico
                Havens  Robin
                Hawson  James
2004    10      Hayes   Barry
2006    3       Hays    John
2007    10      Heart   Richard L.
                Hedrick Bryan
2008    11      Heiman  Michael
                Heitz   Arlene
                Helmer  William J.
2008    11      Hemperly        Jill
2006    10      Henderson       C.
                Henneke Scott
                Henry   Dale
                Henry   Keith
                Henson  Jesse
                Hepler  Chrystal
                Hernandez       Elizabeth
                Hernden John
                Herpin  Susan
                Herrera Andres Castro
                Hershberger     Gail
                Hershberger     Jim
2008    10      Hertel  Ray
                Herzig  Andrew
2009    2       Herzig  April
2009    2       Herzig  Frank
                Herzig  Marie
2007    10      Heuss   Keith
                Hewlett John
                Heyer   Devra
                Hickman Margie
                Hicks   Helen
2009    8       Hilbert Jennifer
                Hild    Gary Wayne
                Hill    Cynthia
                Hill    Russell
                Hines   Destry D.
                Hoberg  Brian
                Hoelscher       Kyle
2009    4       Hoese   Geoffrey
                Hogan   Felder
                Hogenauer       Daniel
                Holman  Del
                Holman  Eric M.
                Holmback        Eric
                Holmes  Derek
2004    10      Holsinger       Terry
2008    10      Holt    Fritz F.
                Holt    Kira
                Holt    Robert
2009    5       Holt    Jenny
2009    5       Holt    Mandy
2009    2       Holzgrafe       Alan
                Hooper  Jocie
                Hooper  John
                Hopkins Denver
                Hopkins Paige
                Horowitz        Jeff
                Horton  Jack
                Horton  Jody
2004    10      Hrobar  Jennifer R.
2005    10      Huddleston      Cynthia
2005    10      Huddleston      Steven R
                Huebel  Mel
2009    4       Huess   Keith
2005    11      Hughes  Joyce
                Hunter  Joy
2005    11      Hunter  Richard
2006    12      Hutchins        Fran
2004    10      Huzarevich      Julie
                Iliffe  Tom
                Ivy     Ashley
2006    3       Ivy     Chris
                Jackson Dean R.
2008    11      Jare    Jim
                Jasek   James
                Jasek   Mimi
                Jasper  Jarred
2008    10      Joe     Tommy
2009    4       Johnson Angela
                Johnson Bruce
                Johnson Christi
                Johnson Daniel
2009    4       Johnson Jack
                Johnson Paul
2007    10      Johnson Russ
                Johnson Shawn
                Jones   Cammy
                Jones   Cordell
                Jones   Kurt
2009    4       Jones   Rebecca
                Jones   Vico
2008    11      Joost   Jeanette
2007    5       Joost   Julianne
2009    5       Jorden  Jay
                Jorden  Liam
                Kaler   Rebecca
                Kamon   Ken
                Kedzierski      Rafal
                Kedzierski      Wojciech
                Kehler  Courtney
2008    7       Kegley  George
2007    5       Kennedy Cat
2008    11      Kennedy Jim
2009    3       Kennedy Joy
                Kennemer        Erin
                Kerbo   Ron
                Kern    Dottie
                Kerr    John
2008    5       Kerwin  Patrick
                Keselik Beth
2008    10      Keselik Steve
2006    6       Kibler  John
                Kidd    Daniel
                Kim     Benedict
                Kincaid Edwin
                Kincaid Tamara
                Kinchen Patricia
2004    3       Kinchen Travis
2008    11      King    Joel
2006    9       King    Kimberly
                King    Linda
2006    9       King    Stephen
2009    11      Kirby   Frank
                Kirchner        Chris
                Kirk    Jessica
                Kitchell        James
                Klein   Deanna
                Kliewer Colin
                Kline   Rick
2009    1       Knape   Koyle D.
                Knight  Jerry
2009    5       Knight  Shiela
                Knodell Preston
2010    5       Knox    Jan
2010    5       Knox    Orion
                Knutson Kevin
                Kochick Matt
2004    10      Koelling        Robert "Pinto"
2004    10      Koerschner      William F
                Kovalik Doug
2008    10      Kreidler        John M.
                Krejca  Christine
2009    5       Krejca  Jean "Creature"
                Kristovich      Ann
                Kuhn    Brandon
2008    11      Kunath  Carl
                Kunath  Glenda
                Kyle    Hahn
2005    1       Kypuros, Jr     Jaime
                Kyrish  Bryan
                Kyser   David
                Kyser   Sue
                Lackey  Kelly
                Lake    Nicole
2007    11      Lake    Stacy
                Laman   Allen
                Landrum Michael
                Langevin        John
                Larch   Marcella M.
                Larremore       David E.
2009    6       Larsen  Kenneth
                Larson  Rosanne
                Larson  William 
                Lasko   Susie
                Lawrence, Jr.   Joseph D.
                Lazcano Jaime
                LeBouf  Dale
2008    6       LeBoeuf Crystal
2007    10      Lee     Bennett
2009    5       Lee     Cynthia
2007    10      Lee     Jerelene
2008    10      Lee     Ted
                Lehman  Chris
                Leone   Teresa
                Levi    Tom and Janice
                Lewis   David
2006    3       Lewis   Gaylynn
2006    3       Lewis   Roy
2006    10      Liebman Bill
                Liebman Bob
                Lillie  Clark
                Lillie  Kevin
                Lind    Mike
2008    8       Linder  Herbert
2007    3       Lindsley        Karen
2007    3       Lindsley        Pete
                Lingold Bradley G.
                Litsinger       David C.
                Littlefield     Larry
                Lloyd   Hal
                Lockhart        Bill
2009    4       Locklear        David
2009    10      Loftin  Elizabeth
2009    10      Loftin  James
2009    6       Loftin  Vivian
                Loftis  Jeff
                Long    Benjamin
                Long    Melissa
2008    11      Longley Bonnie
                Lorillard       Bill
2008    10      Lostak  Tracy
2009    1       Love    George
                Lovett  Bobbie
                Loving  Charlie
                Loving  John
2008    11      Lowery  Kerry
                Lowery  Sonceia
                Lucci   Anthony and Lavonda
                Luukko  Nicole
                Lynn    Pam
2007    12      Lynott  Missy
2007    12      Lynott  Patrick
                MacLeod Barb
                Madden  Katie
                Mahan   Gary and Louann
2005    1       Maher   Mark
                Maiorino        Brian
2005    4       Malone  Michael
2008    5       Maloy   Kim
                Mammoser        Doug
                Manganella      Pat
2004    4       Manning James
2004    10      Manning Mary Kay
2007    11      Marks   Milo
                Marshall        Debbie
                Martinez        Julian
2008    10      Mastbrook       Sharon
2009    8       Matthews        Robin and Ann
2004    3       Maurin  Jennifer
                Maverick        Fontaine
                Mayo    Albert
2008    11      McAdoo  David
2008    11      McAdoo  Gail
                McArthur        Jill
2007    10      McArthur        Martha
2007    3       McCarty Greg
                McClain Jerry
                McClain Roxanne
                McCleery        Connie
2008    11      McClung Dave
                McClure Bob and Dottie
2007    10      McClure J. Katherine
                McCormick       Ryan F.
                McDaid  Guin
2009    1       McDaniel        Gary
                McGee   Ben
2008    10      McGee   Carol Ann
2008    10      McGee   Kenny
2008    10      McGowan Emily
2008    10      McGowan Kevin
                McIntire        Jimmy
                McKenna Karen
                McKenna Minnette
2008    10      McKenzie        David
                McKenzie        Martha Helen
2006    10      McKinney        Shannon
                McLane  James
2008    11      McLean  James
                McMillan        Shari
                McMillin        Brian
2008    12      McNatt  Logan
2008    10      McWhirter       Michael
                Meacham Martha
2008    12      Mejoumov        Gleb
                Megahan Kristopher
                Mendez Lara     Yuri Vladimir
2008    11      Menking Kurt
                Mercer  Roger
2005    10      Meredith        Marsha
                Metcalf Carolyn
2008    11      Metcalf Ruel
                Metzner Don
                Metzner Jeanette
                Mevrer  Walter and Chistine
                Mickler Patrick J
2009    1       Mikelski        AnnMarie
                Mikula  Eloise and Joseph
2004    10      Milford Ben
2004    12      Milhollin       Robert D.
                Miller  Aaron
2009    5       Miller  Marvin
2008    3       Miller  Ron E.
                Milner  Roy
2009    1       Minton  Mark
2009    5       Mitchell        Evelynn
2009    5       Mitchell        Joe
2007    3       Mitchell        Robert
2008    10      Mixon   William (Bill)
                Mladenka        Debbie
                Mladenka        Dorothy T.
                Mladenka        Paul
                Moerbe  Dale and Marilyn
2007    5       Monahan Katie
                Montemayor      Alan
                Montgomery      Mike
2008    10      Moody   Jill
                Moon    Eric
                Moore   Bobby
                Moore   Dwaine and Lou Ann
                Moore   Kay
                Moore   Maryanne
2007    3       Moore   Robert (Bob)
2009    4       Moore   Roger G.
                Moore   Thomas and Kyle
                Moore   William E.
                Mooty   Greg and Brenda
                Moreau  Bob
                Morey   Frances
2008    10      Morey   Philip Stockton
2008    5       Moriarty        Christopher
                Morley  Donald T.
2008    8       Moser   Corey
                Moses   John
                Moss    Lyle
                Moulton Stan
                Mourer  Nichalus M.
                Muniz   Christina Raye
                Murphree        Ann Marie
2005    10      Murray  Chris
                Musgrove        Marylynn
2005    10      Myers   Rob
                Nadler-Olenik   Maggie R.
2008    7       Najjar  Lawrence
2009    8       Nance   James P.
                Nance   Ray and Teresa
                Napper  Gary J.
                Nasby   Carlos
                Neisch  Julie
                Nelson  Doris
                Neumann Nick
2009    1       Newton  Simon
                Nguyen  Christie
                Nimmons David
2004    12      Nincehelser     George
2007    5       Noble   Melvin
                Nordfelt        Amy
                Nye     Janel
                O'Bryan Lisa
2008    10      Ochel   David
                O'Conner        Jim
2008    3       O' Connor       Kathleen
                O'Daniel        Rebecca
                Ogden   Albert
                Olenick Walter
                Olsaver Gary
2007    3       Osborne Lora
2007    3       Osborne Ryan
                Otto    Clint
2008    10      Oughton Daniel T
                Overfelt        James
2009    2       Overholt        Libby
                Paine   Richard
2008    12      Palit   Linda
2008    5       Pando   Noel
                Pardee  Jeffrey
2008    10      Pardue  Corey
                Parker  Bentley
                Parker  Ernest
2007    10      Parker  Nathan
                Paschal DeDe
                Paschal Fred
2007    10      Passmore        Greg
2005    10      Pate    Dale
                Patton  Rosa
                Pava    Iliam
                Payne   Georgeanne Baker
2005    10      Payne   William
                Payson  Remo
2008    10      Pearce  Joe
2008    10      Pearce  Sue
                Pearson David
                Pearson Mike and Jerri
                Pederson        Meagan
                Peek    Fred
                Peerman Steve & Kathy
2008    5       Pekins  Charles E. & Beth
                Peplinski       Wayne
2007    12      Perez   Cynthia A.
                Perry   Karen Knox
                Pfeiffer        Jay
2007    11      Peterson        Joshua
                Phillips        Hunter
                Phillips        Tommy
                Pierson Saj
                Pietsch Roy
                Pittman Blair
                Pizzo   Sammy
2004    3       Pizzo   Susan
                Plemons Terry & Kathy
                Poer    Freddie
                Polensky        Jessie
                Pollak  Mark
2008    10      Ponebshek       Carl
                Pope    Sylvia
2011    4       Portman Michael
                Potter  JoAnna
                Preiss  Klaus
2009    1       Prendergast     Denise
                Prescott        Angela
2006    5       Price   Gina
2006    5       Price   William B.T.
                Prince  Jaclynn
2009    8       Professional Rescue Outfitters  
                Propsma Jack
                Propsma Jan (Stephens)
                Prosviria       Audrey
                Puig    Michelle & Robert
                Pusey   Walter
                Quigley Ian
                Raines  Daniel
2009    5       Raines  Mercy
                Raines  Regina Marie
2009    5       Raines  Terry
2009    2       Ralph   Diane
2007    5       Ralph   Jack
2009    2       Ralph   Ron
                Ralph   Vicki
                Ramsel  Bill
                Ramsey  DeAndra
2007    1       Ranzau  Joe
                Raska   Jim
                Ray     Joe
2007    10      Reagan  Elaine
2008    10      Reagan  Larry
                Reddell James
2005    6       Reece   Johanna E.
2008    10      Rees    Darrell
                Reger   Robin
2008    10      Reinertson      Randal
                Reyes   Marcelino
                Rhinehart       Richard
2005    10      Richards        Bob
                Richards        Charlotte
                Richards        Heath
2008    11      Richmann        George-Paul
                Richmond        Delbert and Patricia
                Riddington      Christa and Ian
                Ridpath Chuck
                Ridpath Donna
2007    10      Rieck   Sheryl
                Riley   Alan
                Riordan Brian
2006    10      Robertson       Douglas
2009    5       Robinson        Hadley
                Robison Jennifer
                Rodgers Alexandra
                Rodgers Bob
2008    12      Rodriguez       Paul
                Rodriguez       R.R.
2008    10      Rogers  Christie
                Romike  Celia
2008    10      Romike  Harold R.
                Ross    Don
2005    10      Rupley  Will
2009    1       Russell Carol 
2008    10      Russell William H.
2006    6       Rutherford      Ron
                Ryan    D.J.
                Rykwalder       Philip
                Saizan  Chris
                Sandefur        Julie
                Sanders George
                Sanders Philip
                Sandstrom       Read
                Sanitz  Jessica
                Santoyo Rodrigo
2009    5       Saribudak       Mustafa
                Savage  James
2007    10      Savvas  Charley
2007    10      Savvas  Kara
2006    4       Sawyer  Bill
                Sayes   Christie
                Sayther Terry & Debbie
                Scanlon Kathy
                Schindel        Aspen
2008    11      Schindel        Geary
                Schindel        Graham
2008    11      Schindel        Susan
                Schneider       Glen
2008    10      Schneider       John
                Schneider       K. Erika
2009    1       Schran  Matt
                Schudrowitz     Zach
2005    4       Schumacher      Brad
2005    4       Schumacher      Carol
                Schumacher      Wesley
                Schumate        Lisa
                Schwehr Kathy
                Scott   Amanda
2009    3       Scott   Ann
                Scott   Susan
2008    6       Scott   Travis
                Sedbrook        Greg
                Seeliger        Vonda
                Seeliger        Wendy
                Selby   Donald Evan
                Selby   Stephanie
                Sellers Susan
                Semken  Holmes & Elaine
                Serface Roberta
2005    9       Serur   John S.
                Serur   Scott
                Serur   Steve
                Sevcik  Ed
                Severns Cammy
2008    10      Sexton  Mary Kay
2005    10      Shade   Beverley
                Shafer  Robert
                Shaw    Justin
2004    3       Shelton Stephanie
                Shelton Troy
                Shepperd        Val
                Sherman Carl
                Shields Rene
                Shipman Larry
                Shirey  Eric
2005    2       Shirley Charles E.
2006    4       Shultz  Chris
                Siegel  Vickie
                Simpson Arthur & Marilyn
                Singleton       Tanner
                Sink    Matt
2008    11      Sisson  Michael
2004    10      Sitch   Thomas
                Sivek   Marcus
                Slemaker        Carroll
                Smith   Dan  
                Smith   Elizabeth
                Smith   John L.
                Smith   Judy
                Smith   Kimiko
                Smith   Martin
2008    10      Smith   Preston
2008    11      Smith   Richard M.
                Smith   Rigel
                Snead   Jerry
                Snelson Mike
                Snider  Claire
                Snider  Don
                Snider  Jessica
                Sorenson        Ray
2008    10      Souby   Susan
                Spaulding       Amy
2008    1       Spaulding       Edward
                Spears  Carleton
                Spence  John
2008    10      Sprouse Peter
2008    10      Sprouse (Whitfield)     Terri
                Stabinsky       Kenny
                Standifer       Mary
                Steele  Audrey
                Steele  Brian
2008    10      Steele  C. William
2009    7       Stephens        Bill
2009    7       Stephens        Pamela
                Sternfeld       Ben
2004    10      Stich   Tim
2009    6       Stiver  Bill & Julie
                Stone   Bill
2008    10      Strickland      Pete
                Styers  Crystal
2008    5       Sullivent       Janet
                Sultana Tony and Richard
                Sumbera Joe and Trish
                SumMar  Nathan
2008    11      Summers Shannon
                Summers Tom
                Sundeen Melissa
                Swann   Tag
2006    10      Szecsy  Kris
2008    4       Szukalski       Bernard (Bernie) W.
                Tamargo Ana & Pablo
                Tandy   Mills & Judy
                Tarvery Natalie
                Taylor  Dave
                Taylor  Mike
2005    4       Taylor  Steve
                Tessieri        Brad
2008    10      Thibodaux       Chris
2006    10      Thiesse Mary
2009    6       Thomas  Jacqui (Bills)
2009    6       Thomas  Kel
                Thomas  Woodrow
2008    11      Thompson        Drew
                Thormahlen      Heather
2009    4       Thurlo  Jimmy
2004    10      Tirums  John
2009    1       Tiu     Lyndon
2007    10      Tomchick        Diana R.
2008    5       Toepke  Kevin
                Trainer Jody
                Treacy  Terri
                Troibs  Suntasha
                Troutman        Tony
2008    1       Tucker  Bill
                Tucker  Francie
                Tucker  Tammie
2008    1       Tucker  William
                Turnbull        Karyn
2008    11      Turner  Matt
                Turner  Meredith
                Umana   Mishell
                Umana   Tamara
2007    2       Unger   Paul
                Urbanczyk       Kristin
                Vail    Chris
                Van Antwerp     Eddie
                Vargas  Jose
                Varney  Don A.
                Vass    Paul
2005    6       Vaughn  Curtis
2005    4       Vaughn  Ronald
                Vaughn  Stephen
                Vauter  Brian
2009    11      Veni    George
2009    11      Veni    Karen
2004    6       Vincent Sean
                Vinson  Barbara
                Vinson  Jon and Debbie
                Vos     Bobby & Ndomide
2009    6       Voyles  Ronald
2008    10      Vreeland        Chris
                Vreeland        Felicia
                Vuillaume       Amaury
2005    4       Wagaman Mark
                Wagner  Kimberly
2008    10      Wakefield       Andrea
2008    10      Wakefield       Jason
2008    11      Walker  Daniel J.
                Walker  Harry
2006    10      Walker  Jimmy
2006    10      Walker  Kate
                Walker  Lucy & Andrea
2005    3       Wall    Susan
2008    12      Walsh   Mike (John)
                Wannier Mario
2006    12      Want    Bob
2005    3       Wark    Richard
                Warton  Cindy
2005    10      Warton  Mike
                Waters  Glenda
                Watkins Famith
                Watson  Ami
                Watson  Bruce
                Weatherford     Trudie
                Weaver  Nancy
                Weiler  Shirley
2007    5       Welch   Dennis
2007    5       Welch   Sharon
                Welton  Kevin
                Wendeborn       David
                Wert    George & Audra
2009    4       Wertheim        Arron
2008    10      Wessel  Roy
2008    10      West    Bob
2008    10      West    Cindy
2008    7       White   Garry
2005    10      White   Janie
                White   Kemble
                White   Kristin
2005    10      White   Tom
                Whites  Charles
                Wilkinson       Aaron
                Williams        Barry
                Williams        David
                Williams        Dorothy
2007    10      Williams        Joel
2004    10      Williams        Steve
                Williams        Steven
                Williamson      L.L.
                Wilson  John
                Wilson  Jonathan
2005    6       Wilson  Trish
2005    10      Winfrey Cathy
                Wolfe   Rick
                Wolfert Rich
2007    10      Wolff   Jim
                Wong    Allen
                Woodard Dusty
                Woods   Pamela
2007    10      Woods   Spencer
                Worley  Seth
2008    6       Worsfold        John 
                Wright  Ben
2008    6       Wright  Talmadge
                Wuest   Travis, Brad and Joy
                Yates   Nick
                Yepez   Nain
2006    10      Yonemoto        Eddie
2008    8       Young   Missy
                Young   Sam & Diane
                Zappitella      Matthew
2007    12      Zarker  Doug
                Zucker  Allison
2009    5       Zara Environmental      

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