So .. What did the Terminal Siphons do? They play the campground party 
Wednesday night. Was there a shelter or a building? Their home-bound sax player 
wants to know...
-Vivian Loftin
 -------------- Original message from --------------

Mark Minton's weather report is accurate, of course.   Nut don't forget to keep 
things in perspective.  Remenber the two South Dakota conventions?  In the 
first the tornado (really!) went through the campground  ripping tree limbs and 
in the second lightening actuallys struck in the campground at Sheldon's.  The 
downburst in Marengo (although Mark, in the wet of the moment, thinks this year 
"rivaled" it).  And need I even remark about Tularosa.  We DO have a history 
Anyhow, there is one day left and Friday dawns bright, almost cloudless.  But 
the convention is not over!  The full-fledged hurrican appears avoided.
PS - we had a wonderful rundown on the 2009 ICS in Kerrville at the photo salon 
last night.  The convention of a lifetime!! It should not to be missed!  Start 
planning to attend NOW!  Oh - and if you want to present a paper, also start 
planning NOW. Deadlines (check the web site) for abstract submission for 
CONSIDERATION (more papers will be offered than can be accomodated) is, I 
think, around Christmas.  That applies to all papers - exploration, techniques, 
etc.  You are competing with the rest of the world to be heard next year.  
Different rules for the International.  That is one of the reasons it will be 
so great.

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