Their home-bound cowbell player wants to know too. By God I'll have my cowbell 
with me in Kerrville next summer!


---- wrote: 
>  So .. What did the Terminal Siphons do? They play the campground party 
> Wednesday night. Was there a shelter or a building? Their home-bound sax 
> player wants to know...
> -Vivian Loftin
>  -------------- Original message from --------------
> Mark Minton's weather report is accurate, of course.   Nut don't forget to 
> keep things in perspective.  Remenber the two South Dakota conventions?  In 
> the first the tornado (really!) went through the campground  ripping tree 
> limbs and in the second lightening actuallys struck in the campground at 
> Sheldon's.  The downburst in Marengo (although Mark, in the wet of the 
> moment, thinks this year "rivaled" it).  And need I even remark about 
> Tularosa.  We DO have a history ---.
> Anyhow, there is one day left and Friday dawns bright, almost cloudless.  But 
> the convention is not over!  The full-fledged hurrican appears avoided.
> DirtDoc
> PS - we had a wonderful rundown on the 2009 ICS in Kerrville at the photo 
> salon last night.  The convention of a lifetime!! It should not to be missed! 
>  Start planning to attend NOW!  Oh - and if you want to present a paper, also 
> start planning NOW. Deadlines (check the web site) for abstract submission 
> for CONSIDERATION (more papers will be offered than can be accomodated) is, I 
> think, around Christmas.  That applies to all papers - exploration, 
> techniques, etc.  You are competing with the rest of the world to be heard 
> next year.  Different rules for the International.  That is one of the 
> reasons it will be so great.

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