

the next issue of The TEXAS CAVER has just gone to the printer and will
be out in the mail shortly.


I hope y'all enjoy it!


A big thanks to Bill Steele, Diana Tomchick, Ernie Garza, David Ochel,
Marvin Miller, Lawrence Najjar, Allan Cobb, George Veni, Bill Mixon, and
Carl Kunath for their excellent photos and submissions to this issue!


If you're not a TSA member, that can easily be rectified and the latest
TC will be sent to your grubby little hands if you join at


I have already begun working on the next issue and I have some material
and will have TCR coverage to include, but, if you don't want an
Alman-intensive issue (I have beaucoup pix and trip reports from our
last couple of outings), get those pix, trip reports, photos, "Carbide
Corner" offerings, and whatnot off your hard disk and sent to me.



You can send them to this email address or to



You've been warned!





Mark Alman

Editor - The TC



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