Also I should add that not all programs like these 'play by the rules'
You may have to try and hunt them down and kill them.
The result of application murder - as I like to call it - may result in a
confused system registry.
The way to do this is to find the culprit on your hard drive and erase the
executable or the directory it resides in.
Sometimes a registry will rebuild itself appropriately when you do this -
other times it may not and you will get a pesky reminder every once and a
while that the system cant find some program what you really didnt want
To find the culprit - you can do a system search for a file named
[application you have the hate for].
You may have to run 'Regedit', go into the edit tab and do a "find" for the
name of that program.
When it finds it in the registry, it will indicate where it resides on your
hard drive.

Ideally, every program should have a means to delete itself, but
unfortunately the world aint a perfect place (and sometimes even the
lawmakers and police are corrupt and are only serving their interests and
not that of  the public.)

In a nutshell -

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 4:31 PM, Don Cooper <> wrote:

> It varies based on what operating system you are using.
> Hopefully it isnt Vista - 'cause I'm deliberately Vista Illiterate :-)
> But you can try the following if its Win2000 or XP:
>  Hold Cntl-Alt-Del
> Then a  panel/popup thingy should show up that has tabs such as
> Applications  Processes  Performance  Networking  Users
>   Select Processes and identify the program that is doing this
>   You might want to write down the name of the process that you know you
> dont like
> Use the Start 'button' on the lower left hand of your screen and find
> "Control Panel" - it should be somewhere in there
>   Then go into control panel - find the icon that says "Add or remove
> programs"
>   You might be able to match up the name of the offending executilbe with
> one displayed in the list of Processes,
>   If so - delete it.
> Of course you could have selected the offending process by it's image name
> in the Task Manager's Processes tab,
> then gone down to the End Process button and hit it.  But if the process is
> spawned by the User Name 'SYSTEM' it won't let you end it.
> Also, you'd have to go back through the same process every time - so it'd
> be better to try and wipe out the app rather than stopping it.
> There are viral ware and spyware products available from McAfee and
> Symantic - I've not always had total satifsfaction with these.
> And of course - the only way to get rid of REALLY nasty spyware and malware
> is to wipe out EVERYTHING with a byte by byte disk rewriter and start all
> over again with a fresh operating system.
> -WaVy
> (not responcible for financial, temporal or relationship losses due to any
> advice given in this forum - use entirely at your own risk)
> On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 3:42 PM, Cynthia Lee <>
> wrote:
>> Greetings all,
>> Can anyone tell me 1) how I can tell if an unwanted program is running
>> behind the scene on my computer and 2) if so how do I get rid of it?
>> Thanks, Cindy

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