
Public transportation in Houston is dangerous.       You are more likely to
get robbed or worse waiting on a bus here.         And at night, some of the
bus stops are in unpopulated areas and are dark.      Terrible things could
happen to you or to someone that you love.

Also, we have heat and humidity here, so it is like a sauna outside, especially
if you are wearing formal clothing.

And we have blood-sucking mosquitos here, that carry encepholatis.

We also have 10,000 homeless people here who spend part of their day
sleeping on the bus.      Nobody wants to sit near them as the smell and
have contagious diseases.

Taxpayers here are concerned about corruption and wasted money spent
by the public transportation people.         Kickbacks, political favors, you
name it.

Public tranpsportation suffers from the same efficiency problem that plagues
all government agencies:      Lazy workers, people that just don't care,
mediocre service, fraud, etc.

Some of these future projects are going to eventually fall under the control
of foreign entities just like our corrupt tollway system.

We are getting some new light rail here soon, and unfortunately, hundreds of
people who live and work along the route are going to be evicted with no
where to go.       This happened to me 2 years ago, when they widened the
freeway, and it really really sucked, and nobody cared, especially the
commission whose purpose it was to look into these matters.

After saying all that though, we can't just keep widening our roads and putting
more cars on them.       Something has to be done.


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