I would just like to point out something hypocritical about Hillary Clinton.

She stated to the nation this week, Obama had the lead because
he out spent her 3 to 1.

She has spent more money than nearly any candidate in the history of the
U.S and that is just to win the nomination - not the presidency.

Also, by her reasoning, the other candidates that she defeated
obviously lost only because she outspent them - not because of their
capability to be president.

Isn't anyboy out there concerned about Bill Clinton's influence in her campaign?
If she can't run a campaign by herself, as Osama is doing, how can she run the

When Obama is president, he should appoint her as health care director and then
see how well she does at that before becoming Vice President in 2012 or 13.

If you were rich and owned a company like Nabisco or something, would you
fire Hillary to run your company?

If I were running for president, every day would be Earth Day.     Each month,
( for 24 hours )  the grid would completely shut down, gas stations
would be closed, trains and planes and automobiles would be grounded.

David Locklear

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