The NCRC will award two $200 dollar scholarships to
help students attend the NCRC national weeklong
seminar in Mentone, AL May 3-10, 2008.  To be
considered please send a caving resume, 3 letters of
support from NSS members, and a cover letter
describing your financial need and how your cave
rescue training would benefit the caving community in
your region.  Submit your information to Roger
Mortimer, 1455 N. Echo Avenue, Fresno, CA 93728.  All
materials may be submitted electronically to  All materials must
arrive by March 1, 2008 to be considered.

Be safe, 
Tim White     <><     NSS 26949 RE FE  
Editor, Nylon Highway 
Southeast Region Coordinator- 
National Cave Rescue Commission, NSS

Be safe, 
Tim White <>< NSS 26949 RE FE  
Editor, Nylon Highway 
Southeast Region Coordinator- 
National Cave Rescue Commission, NSS

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