
There will be a three day work weekend, trip leader training program, and 
general fun fest at the Deep and Punkin Nature Preserve near Carta Valley in 
Edwards County Texas.  This will occur during the MLK weekend startung on 
Friday evening, January 18 and will conclude on Monday, January 21.

If you're interested in attending, please send me an email by Wednesday, 
January 16.  Space is limited for the weekend so make sure that you reserve a 
space early.  Since this will also be a trip leader training weekend, there 
will be training trips to both Deep and Punkin Cave and instructions on cabin 
operation.  In addition, there will be some work pouring foundatiions for the 
back porch roof, denailing of boards (very theraputic), and cutting of cedar 
and cat claw.  There will be some series Dutch Oven cooking, grilling, and 
swilling.  We have also arranged for swiming in the water trough as well as 
general Tom Foolery.  

The trips are open to cavers and friends.  You must have your own caving 
equipment to visit Deep Cave (Helmet, lights, gloves, pack, knee pads, etc.)  
If you want to enter Punkin Cave, this requires a 30 to 50 foot rappel.  We 
recommend that you have your own vertical gear.  This is not a vertical 
training trip, so if you are expecting to enter Punkin Cave, please be 
vertically proficient.  However, this is an excellent novice vertical cave as 
long as you have a couple of experienced vertical cavers with you. 

We are asking for donations of $5 per person for the weekend to help defray 
costs to operate the cabin and property.  We also ask that folks put in at 
least 3 hours during the work weekend helping work on the property.  There is 
no drinking water on the property but there is non potable water for showers.  
It is a relatively premative site with limited space in the cabin so please be 
prepared to camp out.  There are two community stoves and one oven for cooking 
in the cabin.

Hope you can join us.

Call or email with any questions.

Geary Schindel, 
Preserve Manager
Texas Cave Management Association
210-326-1576 cell

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