Hmm, interesting.
Whereas i am totally not into religion, creationist or otherwise, Brian
does put forward a good argument. Not like i'm going to convert or
anything like that though...
I hadn't realised that creationists actually accepted evolution, though
in my limited knowledge (I can't be bothered to check it out) of the
subject i thought they thought the world was only, say, 5000yrs old and
so evolution would have only taken a few small steps since then.
So where did it all begin? Try this one: Looks like the fossil record
goes back further than i thought myself. Where did those first organisms
come from? I guess we then go to statistics; it just had to happen
Thanks for putting forward reasoned arguments Brian, and shame on some
people for not doing the same. I think at the next TCR i'll sponsor a
discussion on this subject - i'll provide some beer and snacks to keep
the parties going :-)
Right, back to microprocessors... at least we know when they started and
where they came from.


From: Brian Riordan [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Science, Evolution and Creationism

I signed up for this listserve to go caving, camping, playing guitar
around bonfires and having a good time with people who enjoy the
outdoors.  What I have recieved from cavetex is something entirely
different.  Since your response was to the whole listserve- I can only
assume to increase the effect of your ridicule, so will mine be.  Enjoy
the stream of conscience. 
I don't think citing 150 years of reasoned argument can really be placed
on my shoulders.  I've had at best 26 years, of which I think I have a
strong case that every one of those years can't be counted as time well
spent considering the origins of life. 
If you are indeed trying to "penetrate [my] skull" or anyones skull with
this knowledge, find a better forum for it.  If you're smart, you'll
find a larger group of these believers to have greater impact instead of
just egotistically ranting your scientifically self-righteous claims to
the answers of our existence to people who for the most part agree with
you.  If you're not smart, well, maybe someone in your line will be
generations from now- if you breed selectively enough, of course. 
The most common criticism of Christians I hear is that they are judging,
and force their beliefs on other people.  Please note I have commented
that this is not the forum for much of the religious ridicule taking
place, and that if there is scientific questions regarding Christianity
or Creationism, I'd be happy to try to answer.  This isn't talking about
aliens, or even God, if you'd paid attention.  I specifically mentioned
that many Christians/Creationists DO NOT argue against evolution, or at
least a gradual change over time, but that evolution can not create
life.  Futhermore, I said that if their is discussions about evolution
vs. Creationism, it should be based the on the scientific evidence that
evolution is a viable method of creating life, versus why it isn't.  Of
course, if evolution can't create life, then you're dealing God then,
but that has never been a topic of discussion from me. 
"To use this forum to ask questions about the varieties of religious
experience would be like asking what color bodysuits the aliens wear
during their probing sessions. "... Once again, I have stated that this
forum is misused if that's the topic of discussion, so save your alien
analogies- they're too entertaining to waste on inappropriate
situations.  This forum is especially misused when it degrades to this
childish ridicule.  I have left the exception, that if you're actually
curious, and don't just like the sound of your own voice, I'd be happy
to research/answer your questions to the best of my ability. 
For example: Jesus Christ! (who might have existed but was only a man
who was relaxed and groovy with new ideas) Brian is a weak-minded,
brain-washed fool!  But instead of being a red-faced jackass about it,
I'll politely pose a scientific question that addresses (one of the many
appearing) weak-points of Christianity: "Hey Brian, i was curious how
Creationists who take the Bible literally account for ice core dating in
their young-earth theory?  Heck, while you're at it, do all Creationists
believe in a young-earth theory or did I once again just grossly
generalize all Christians which often encompasses anyone who believes in
a single diety that isn't Muslim or Jewish?  Please get back to me when
you get a chance." 
"Since reason isn't penetrating your skull".  From this e-mail, it looks
like the only reason you're pitching at me is threefold:
1. Those fossils weren't put there by a mischievous god, 
2. the "Great Flood" did not create the Grand canyon, 
3. and those funny looking salamanders didn't lose their eyesight due to
a fall from grace.
To respond:
1. I never claimed that God put fossils anywhere... I'm not sure where
that is coming from.  Maybe a separatist colony in the Bible Belt?
Can't address that one for you.
2. I never said the "Great Flood" created Grand Canyon, I haven't looked
into the Grand Canyon formation.  If you're curious about the
Creationist perspective on that, I could research it.
3. I never suspected salamanders fell from grace, nor can I imagine what
those magnificent creatures could have done to do so.  What you have
cited (I presume as a testimony of evolution) is a great example of what
could be considered de-evolution.  Which is what we should expect (refer
to the second law of thermodynamics) from entropy.  Poor example if
you're addressing the origins of life. 
That's about as much energy as I can muster when addressing a hostile
e-mail.  I attempted a mild response to not be too hypocritical, I hope
I achieved it.
PS.  Great vocabulary.  If it wasn't meant to be ridicule, most
especially me, I'd probably enjoy reading your e-mails.  :)

On 1/10/08, <> wrote: 

        Evolution IS a fact. If, after 150 years of reasoned argument
you still don't get it, then you are either simpleminded or pigheaded.
Since most cavers are of above average intelligence I will presume it is
the latter. Since reason isn't penetrating your skull then perhaps
another approach might work, one that is closer to your animal nature,
the inner ape as it were, and that is ridicule. 
        If it were a simple matter of a simple person who believed that
he or she had been abducted by aliens then that person would be a
candidate for pity, but when there is a world wide movement to
substitute superstition for science then that is a matter which requires
attention, for we all suffer the consequences of our collective
inability to address real world issues. 
        To use this forum to ask questions about the varieties of
religious experience would be like asking what color bodysuits the
aliens wear during their probing sessions. It is good entertainment, so
go ahead and ask, but don't expect to be treated with the solemnity
customary to the proceeding of the Inquisition, or to have your answers
taken seriously. 
        Caving as a sport is informed by science, as it should be. Those
fossils weren't put there by a mischievous god, the "Great Flood" did
not create the Grand canyon, and those funny looking salamanders didn't
lose their eyesight due to a fall from grace. If you believe otherwise
good for you, let's hear it! 


        Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape
in the new year. 

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