Unfortunately, this is not the 30th anniversary of the Aggie Speleological  
Society.  That distinction passed us by 4 years ago.  The first  meeting of ASS 
occurred in September 1973 and was attended by 55 prospective  members;  in 
large part due to the efforts of Alicia Wisener, one of the  grotto's first 
officers.  The grotto published the Guano  newsletter from 1974 to 1977, the 
Undergrounder in 1979, and the  ASS Explorer sporadically from 1995 to present. 
You can read  about the history of ASS in 50 Years of Texas Caving, which will  
be arriving from the printers in early December.
But don't let the 34th anniversary of the grotto pass at TCR without  raising 
a toast to old traditions, past and present ASSes, and future memories  !!  
ASS is one of the oldest student grottos around.
In a message dated 10/18/2007 3:45:19 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
alan.blev...@gmail.com writes:

As you may  know from e-mails sent through the Texascavers list over the 
summer, this year  is the 30th anniversary of the Aggie Speleological Society 
(ASS, from here  on).

Although we won't be having ASS awards, as I think George Veni  suggested, I 
would like to invite all former, current, friends of, and  tangentially 
associated members of ASS to gather and visit on Saturday morning  / afternoon. 
will have a shade shelter of some sort set up somewhere at  TCR, which will be 
identified by the ASS banner hanging from it. Come hang  out, have a drink, 
and share stories of your adventures with ASS. I think a  wise man once said, 
"Even after you've left College Station, deep down inside,  you know you're 
still an ASS" - or something like that. 

ASS will be  running a caving-themed obstacle course this year, to be held in 
the same  general area (glamorous prizes for the winners to be awarded 
Saturday night).  We will also be introducing a new event involving beer and a 
squeezebox. It  should be a lot of fun! 

Hope to see you there,
~Alan Blevins
ASS  Secretary

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