The ASS had been around for 4 or 5 years when I got to A&M in 1976. It was my 
understanding that Alicia, John Gale, David Finfrock, Bob Bliss, Doug Symank 
and Phil Jank were some of the organizing members. And Finfrock had already 
graduated the year before I I knew who he was because 
he was on TV in Fort Worth. Anyway....there were quite a few Finfrock 
stories...Another of the early cavers was John Copp....who was quite an 
interesting character. And one of the organizations first big milestones was 
getting recognition for being an NSS grotto in 1977. I remeber that we worked 
to get as many people as possible to join the NSS...which was no small for a college student those fees were quite high.
  The outdoor rec committee was always trying to USURP our club in thier 
ranks...and it was always a fight to keep them out of it...and the NSS grotto 
thing finally convinced them that we wanted to be a separate 
organization....and we had own own cubicle....with a very LARGE rock that we 
carried back from the guads in it. I think we made some of the other student 
organizations a little bit nervous....especially when we went and asked the 
Association of Former Students for some funding for a project....The football 
team was losing a lot of games...and we were feeling cocky and told them the 
money would be better spent on our project....they politely showed us the door.
  I think John Gale ( or possibly Sherrie Symank?) was the chairman at the 
time...or maybe Alicia was still chairman. Maybe Sherrie was the secretary.
  After the NSS thing...John Tynes was chair....
  There was a very colorful group of cavers around there at the time...most 
were not your typical aggies....except Duwain Whitis....he was about as Aggie 
as one could get. He even went to football games....and took Barb Vinson. I 
think he bought her a mum....( which was the tradition for every game 
then)...quite frankly we were shocked that Barb would stoop so low and attend a 
game. It took us about a year to finally corrupt his morals...and I think he 
was chairman one year when he finally become a "real" caver.
  After Duwain came, we had quite a few corps turds come to meetings...and 
almost had brawl one night....when someone casually mentioned the upcoming "big 
campfire" was obvious this lack of respect for the name rankled the group 
of CTs...and one of them shouted "its BONFIRE....damn it..." To which another 
smart ASS replied "yeah....whats that thing for?" And someone said to "roast 
weenies" which things escalated to some chest butting...before cooler 
heads prevailed...and we all went to the Dixie chicken for a few beers. But 
those CTs never came back.
  Anyway...the ASS had several faculty advisors around that time...never heard 
of this other guy "that has always been the advisor". Bob Meade Donaldson was 
our advisor for a couple of years and was a very active caver...he was a caver 
from TAG who was on the faculty. When Bob showed up at a grotto meeting one 
fall...we were in need of a new advisor anyway....although I don't remember 
why.....And he introduced us to the joys of bouncing pits in Alabama...When he 
left; we recruited another advisor who was a professor of landscape 
architecture...who was a very passionate environmentalist...but was a little 
freaked out about caves. And i always had the impression that he thought we 
were "up to something" fishy. Eventually the faculty advisor changed 
again...but I can't remember who we changed it to.

Brian Riordan <> wrote:
    >But officially, ASS is 30 years old.
  I can't say when people started caving while attending classes at A&M, or who 
went to A&M and ended up caving sometimes in their lives, OR when people first 
thought that A.S.S. was a sexy acronym and recruiting tool.  I do know, 
however, that Dr. Robert Lyton is the only advisor that Aggie Speleological 
society has ever had on record at A&M, and he started advising the newly 
University recognized group on request of the first president (whose father he 
had caved with) in 1977. 
  On 10/19/07, Travis Scott <> wrote:       I am pretty sure 
the the official Texas A+M records state that ASS was first recognized in 1977. 
 Whether there was a grotto before or after that, I can't say..  But 
officially, ASS is 30 years old. 

      ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: ; ; 
  Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 1:10 AM
  Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Aggie Speleological Society at TCR
    Unfortunately, this is not the 30th anniversary of the Aggie Speleological 
Society.  That distinction passed us by 4 years ago.  The first meeting of ASS 
occurred in September 1973 and was attended by 55 prospective members;  in 
large part due to the efforts of Alicia Wisener, one of the grotto's first 
officers.  The grotto published the Guano newsletter from 1974 to 1977, the 
Undergrounder in 1979, and the ASS Explorer sporadically from 1995 to present.  
You can read about the history of ASS in 50 Years of Texas Caving, which will 
be arriving from the printers in early December.
  But don't let the 34th anniversary of the grotto pass at TCR without raising 
a toast to old traditions, past and present ASSes, and future memories !!  ASS 
is one of the oldest student grottos around.
  In a message dated 10/18/2007 3:45:19 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
  As you may know from e-mails sent through the Texascavers list over the 
summer, this year is the 30th anniversary of the Aggie Speleological Society 
(ASS, from here on). 

Although we won't be having ASS awards, as I think George Veni suggested, I 
would like to invite all former, current, friends of, and tangentially 
associated members of ASS to gather and visit on Saturday morning / afternoon. 
We will have a shade shelter of some sort set up somewhere at TCR, which will 
be identified by the ASS banner hanging from it. Come hang out, have a drink, 
and share stories of your adventures with ASS. I think a wise man once said, 
"Even after you've left College Station, deep down inside, you know you're 
still an ASS" - or something like that. 

ASS will be running a caving-themed obstacle course this year, to be held in 
the same general area (glamorous prizes for the winners to be awarded Saturday 
night). We will also be introducing a new event involving beer and a 
squeezebox. It should be a lot of fun! 

Hope to see you there,
~Alan Blevins
ASS Secretary


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