
The terrible truth of it all is........it really doesn't matter at this point. We are beyone the point of no return........ At current population expansion rates even if you cut your energy and waste consumption in half for the whole world right now today.....in twenty years we would be right back at this same point. At our rate of response to an emergency it would take twenty years for us to even maybe get to a point to cut energy consumptions in half so we are already fourty years behind the power curve......better to just do your part and enjoy the ride...

You smart people better get cracking on that zero point energy machiene or that quantum combobulator that is going to save the day and make you rich so I can keep watching TV and eating Night Hawks. I'm saving up my strength to have six kids. I don't think there are enough shitters and eaters out there just yet and I want to do my part! What every patriot should be doing! I am going to raise them to smoke cigaretts, drive Humvees, and build 4000 sq ft homes to raise their 6 kids who will all themselves be big Wal-Mart Shoppers and just buy things they know will break but won't care because they can just buy another one for two dollars. Because Cheap products made by poor third world people forced to drink the runoff of the factory they work in and breathe the smoke from the stacks of the plants cranking out cheap useless shit that I need to make my every day life just that much better. So I will continue to buy my plastic bowl majic disposable toilet brushes, my paper plates, plastic bags, coca-cola's in the aluminum cans that I don't recycle because I don't want ants in my bin, the Mc Donnalds big macs that come in a cardboard box tucked in a paper bag for sefety, the bottled water in the plastic containers that contaminate the once filtered water with poly ethyl Hexamine or whatever it is that keeps building up in my boobs. At this rate I hope I build up enough chemicals in my body that I last 5000 years for someone to dig up my mummy and wonder at my superhuman constitution to have lived so long and have been so full of crap...

----- Original Message ----- From: "Lyndon Tiu" <l...@alumni.sfu.ca>
To: "Texas Cavers" <texascavers@texascavers.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2007 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] OT - recycling economics

Mike Quinn wrote:
The world's enery availability is rapidly peaking... Mexico, our number two supplier, is running out:

I agree completely that we will run out and that we should conserve NOW before it is too late. BUT, just wanted to share an opinion:

"It only counts when people FEEL it."

People will only start conserving if they actually see the problem in their neighborhood. Reading about it on the news about a place most people cannot even find on a map does not count. As long as the neighborhood station has plenty of 87 octane available 24/7. Nothing is going to happen.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109&sid=aQP1F89dAOs8&refer=home# <http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109&sid=aQP1F89dAOs8&refer=home#> or: http://tinyurl.com/2a9e59

-----Original Message----- From: Lyndon Tiu [mailto:l...@alumni.sfu.ca] Sent: Sun 10/28/2007 5:10 PM To: Texas Cavers Cc: Subject: Re: [Texascavers] OT - recycling economics

... energy is cheap and still widely available.

Lyndon Tiu

Lyndon Tiu

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