Jacqui Bills said:

>The beer may not be different, but now you can take a longneck into a TX State 
>park and I guess that's worth something.

      Is that true?  I thought it was the alcohol that was not allowed in state 
parks, not glass bottles.  Are other drinks in glass not allowed?

      Mike Flannigan said:

>what about the claim that the sides and bottom of the can don't have enought 
>Al to recycle.  I'm told they only recover the Al in the top of the can.

      I can't believe that's true.  For one thing, it would be too much effort 
to cut off the top.  And I'll bet the rest of the can weighs way more then the 
top.  Who cares how little Al is in any particular part of the can - it'll all 
melt down.  I don't buy it.  See 

Mark Minton

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