
I agree completely, and I've used Photoshop for some of the same reasons you 
have - most importantly personally to improve the legibility of scans of many 
19th and early 20th century family letters and other documents.  The program 
helped enormously in scanning the journal kept by one of my German Texan 
ancestors as he came across the Atlantic from Bremen in 1850.  The seas, 
unfortunately, must have gotten rough because he abandoned the journal well 
before reaching New Orleans.  And of course Photoshop is wonderful for 
restoring old pictures!

Roger Moore

In a message dated 11/14/07 11:19:44 Central Standard Time, 
power_lou...@hotmail.com writes:
You are wrong, wrong, wrong. If you worked in desktop publishing as I do and 
had to make publishable photos out of other people's c*** or if you needed to 
restore fragile family photos, tintypes, etc, that are just barely visible 
because of time or deterioration, you'd fall on your knees and kiss the feet of 
whoever invented Photoshop. Maybe it's not right for you or for your particular 
application, but for those of us who do need it, it's the only thing that will 
work. Perhaps NSS just ought to ban enhanced photos in the competition. Or 
limit enhanced photos to another category.



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