The "Gory, Gory, Cave Explorers" song was a perennial favorite. I've found
several versions in "The Spelunker's Songbook," edited by Janet Bailey and
published by the Pittsburgh Grotto in December 1964. It is, of course, sung
to the tune of The Battle Hymn of the Republic. There are no doubt
additional versions; those below don't include what Louise recalls.

I have not attempted to correct the spelling mistakes made by the OCR
program. They should all be obvious. Sorry about the spacing of this
message. Pasting from a Word file into an e-mail message turns returns into
double returns. Anyone wanting to print these songs might save this e-mail
as a text file and then use his handy word-processing program to replace
double returns by single returns. -- Bill Mixon



Denman T. Snow & Marshall Fausold

Georgia Spelunker [issue not stated]

page 17 in the songbook

In a dark and dreary cavern on a cold winter's day,

He made the great mistake that took his life away.

He should have been more careful but instead he chose to play,

An' he ain'f gonna cave no more.

Chorus;Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,

 Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die,

Gory, gory, Ah at a he I I of a way to die,

An' he ain't gonna cave no more.

"Can you make it to the high ledge?" called the belayer from be low.

Our hero feebly answered "Yes", and upward inched on slow,

He was trying to drive a piton when his hold began to go,

An' he ain't gonna cave no more.

He shot right down the chimney and he quickly gathered speed;

He shot past his belayer who'd forgot the climber's speed;

An anchor to a piton would've been a I I he'd ever need,

An' he ain't gonna cave no more.

The belayer felt the rope pull taut, and tried to let it run;

But it jerked him for position, and he knew that he was done.

He left the ledge behind him and he couldn't help it none,

An ' they ain't gonna cave no more.

They sped on down the chimney that was so very ta I I.

The pit it was so fearful deep it made a glorious fall;

They slithered over a friction pitch and sped on down the wall,

An' they ain't gonna cave no more.

The days they'd lived and loved and laughed keptrynning through their minds;

They thought about the girls back home, the ones they'd left behind;

They thought about their comrades, too, and wondered what they'd find,

An.' they ain't gonna cave no more.

One had-the rope about his neck, the pitons through his spleen;

The other had no hard hat, so of course he split his bean;

Two trails of red marked their descent as they made the final scene;

An' they ain't gonna cave no more.

They hit the floor, the sound was splat, the blood went spurting high;

Their comrades they were heard to say, "What a colorful way to die."

And as they lay there one was heard to make his final sigh,

An' they ain't gonna cave no more.

There was blood upon the rucksacks, there were brains upon the rope;

Intestines were entwined across the rough and rocky slope;

We poured them in a Gurnee Can while coiling up the rope,

An' we ain't gonna cave no more!



Barb Massee

Windy City Speleonews 2(1)2, reprinted Speleo Digest 1962

page 18 in the songbook

"Can you go around the flowstone?" called the belayer looking up

Out hero feebly answered "yes" and slowly inched on up

He was trying to drive a piton when his foothold crumbled out

 Oh, he ain't gonna Cave no more.

Chorus:Gory, gory who t a hell of a way to die (3 times)

Oh, he ain't gonna cave no more.

He slid right down the domepit and he quickly gathered speed

 He shot past the belayer who'd forgot the climbers creed

An anchor to a piton wouldve been all he'd ever need

Oh, he ain't gonna cave no more.

The belayer felt the rope pull taut and tried to let it run

 But it jerked him from position and he knew his time had come

 He left the ledge behind him and it shot up toward the sun

Oh, he ain't gonna cave no more.

The days they'd lived and loved and laughed kept running thru their minds

They thought about the girls back home, the ones they'd left behind

They thought about the others, too, and wondered what they'd find

Oh, they ain't gonna cave no more.

They brushed against formations and the blood went spurting high

Their comrades were heard to say "What a colorful way to die. "

They wished that they had never come or that they h ad learned to fly

Oh, they ain't gonna cave no more.

They sped on down the domepit and they landed with a SPLAT

One had the rope around his neck and pitons in his back

They made a lovely pictured, red and green and white and black

Oh, they ain't gonna cave no more.

There was blood upon the rucksacks, there was blood upon the rope

Bits and pieces were entwined across the dark and rocky w1ope

We put them in a lunchpoi I after salvaging the rope.

Oh,they ain't gonna cave no more.



(Somewhat revised, for decency's sake)

[by the songbook editor]

A. Nanny Moose with Carol Eckel

Nittany Grotto News, June 1961

page 35 in the songbook

Five happy clods went caving on a bright and sunny day,

They'd never seen a cove before; their step was light and gay,

They'd never have believed it if they'd heard somebody say,

They ain't gonna cove no more.

Chorus:Gory, gory, cove explorers

Gory, gory, cave explorers,

Gory, gory, what a helluva way to die,

They ain't gonna cave no more.

The lady wore red dungarees, the cave to navigate,

She cut across a former's field, its tragic to relate,

She saw the bu I I a'coming, but by then it was too late,

She airit gonna cave no more.

Once in the cove, the leader said, "It's safe as it can be,

I'll lead the way - be sure that al I you others stick with me!

 A chockstone tumbled - now our hero's split up into three,

 He ain't gonna cove no more.

The second chap got out his rope and called for a belay,

He knew the rope was old, but check it? "No, Ywill be OK,"

The frayed rope parted, and these final words they heard him say,

 "I ain't gonna cove no more. "

One fellow climbed a rocky wall upon the top to sit,

His friends turned round in time to see him fall into a pit,

They waited and they listened, but they never heard him hit,

He ain't gonna cove no more.

The last man left of all the five, beset by fear and doubt,

Prepared to leave, but couldn't find the passage leading out,

He's there today, and cavers say they still can hear him shout

 "I ain't qonna cove no more.



(A Ballad of Covers & Caving in five parts)

no author stated

The Underground, vol ? no. 1 (1961)

pages 36-39 in the songbook


Gory, gory cove explorers

Gory, gory cove explorers

Gory, gory what a hell-of-a-way to die,

They ain't gonna spelunk no more.


The diver standing by his side

Told him he'd go down first

Black water closed in all around

He got ready for the worst

He was trying to force the siphon

When his air hose suddenly burst

He ain't gonna spelunk no more. (Chorus)

There was no room to turn around, and

The current was too strong

He hoped soon to come up for air

But the siphon was too long.

His companion swam to help him out

But his timing was al I wrong.

He ain't gonna spelunk no more. (Chorus)

The diver ahead had disappeared

The rope was now al I slack

Discouraged he turned upstream

And fought the current back

He had five minutes of air left

When his foot wedged in a crack

He ain't gonna spelunk no more. (Chorus)


"Can you go around the flowstone?

Called the belayer, looking up,

Our hero feebly answered, "yes"

And slowly inched on up

He was trying to drive a piton

When his foothold crumbled out;

He ain't gonna spelunk no more. (Chorus)

He slid right down the chimney

And he quickly gathered speed

He shot past the beloyer

Who'd forgotten the cover's creed

An anchor to a piton

Would've been al I he'd ever need.

He ain't gonna spelunk no more. (Chorus)

The belayer felt the rope pull taut

And tried to let it run

But it jerked him from position

And he knew his time had come.

He left the ledge behind him

And the long descent had begun.

He ain't gonna spelunk no more. (Chorus)

The days they'd lived and loved and laughed

Kept running through their minds

They thought about the girls back home -

The ones they'd left behind.

They thought of their companions too

And wondered what they'd find.

They ain't gonna spelunk no more. (Chorus)

They hit the side, their lights went out,

Darkness closed in all around

They sped on toward their destiny

The ever nearing ground.

Their impact echoed through the shaft

And then came not a sound.

They ain't gonna spelunk no more. (Chorus)


The lead man called out "Breakdown!

And he backed against the wal I

Four others quickly followed suit

But the fifth ignored his call.

There were five beneath the overhang

But they never saw it at a I I

They ain't gonna spelunk no more.

The lead man was the first to go.

Then come the other four.

The fifth heard his companions screams.

Though muffled in the roar.

He was the one survivor

When the ceiling hit the floor.

They ain't gonna cove no more. (Chorus)

He stood there gripped with horror

With a wide and wild-eyed stare

The dust and silt rose upward

Dissipating in the air.

A moment ago they were a I I a I ive,

Now his friends were no longer there.

They ain't gonna spelunk no more. (Chorus)


One brave spelunker left the rest

Went wandering about

And he was doing fine until

His carbide lamp went out

He yelled and screamed, but there was

No one there to hear his shout.

He ain't gonna spelunk no more. (Chorus)

And wondering how to get out of

The plight that he'd got in

He crept on a ledge above a pit�

A ledge so very thin

That al I at once he missed a step

And slipped and fell right in

He ain't gonna spelunk no more. (Chorus)

Down from the ledge he fell, way down

Into a pool of ICK

And as he slowly sank he thought

The mud was mighty thick

Alas, the mud was quicksand in which

He'll forever stick.

He ain't gonna spelunk no more. (Chorus)


Six veteran explorers

Preparing to survey

Brought along their compass

For they planned to spend the day

Mapping every blasted foot

Of every passageway.

But they ain't gonna spelunk no more. (Chorus)

They'd been through many caves before

Of almost every size

To them, this one seemed safe enough

But in that, they weren't too wise

For when it rained this cave's stream

Had a tendency to rise.

They ain't gonna spelunk no more. (Chorus)

At t i mes they waded through the stream

Which was then 3 feet deep

They clambered over pitches

Which for them weren't very steep

And for the sake of science

Through bat guano they did creep.

But they ain't gonna cove no more. (Chorus)

A sudden rainstorm broke, and soon

The entrance siphoned out

The bats, sensing the danger

Began to fly about

Then one observing cover

Warned the others with a shout

But they ain't gonna spelunk no more. (Chorus)

They dropped all their equipment

And they headed for high ground

They climbed as high as they could go

And then a ledge they found

And there they clung for dear life

As the stream rose al I around.

They ain't gonna spelunk no more. (Chorus)

They cowered there together

As the stream rose higher still

It was now a foot below them

And up their spines there ran a chi I I .

It crept up post their ankles

And the i r boots began to f i I I .

They ain't gonna spelunk no more. (Chorus)

One in final desperation

Left the other five.

He dove in toward the siphon

In an effort to survive.

He knew it was his only chance

Of getting out alive.

But he ain't gonna spelunk no more. (Chorus)

He knew he wouldn't have a light

But still he went ahead

 He groped through submerged passageways

Which to salvation led

I think he would have made it

 If he hadn't lost his head.

 He ain't gonna spelunk no more.

The other five stood on the ledge

They had no place to run

They saw their lamps extinguished

By the water one by one

As if splashed against the ceiling

They all knew their time had come.

They ain't gonna spelunk no more. (Chorus)

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