David Locklear said:

>Are we being asked to vote against tollroads because it is bad for cavers or 
>caving or caves?
>Are there any proposed tollroads that are going to destroy a cave more so than 
>a regular highway project would?

      As I understood it, that site was about roads that have already been 
built with tax dollars and are paid for, but are now being proposed to be 
turned into toll roads.  Any impact they have on caves, the environment as a 
whole, cavers, and everyone else has already occurred.  I think there is less 
concern about using tolls to pay for roads that are constructed for that 
purpose in the first place.

>How many of you take the tollroad to Columbia to save time on the trip to 
>Bustamante?     I like that tollway.     But what does the money really go to 
>and is it being used properly?

      I believe that toll road was a private venture that went bankrupt and was 
taken over by the state of Texas, so now the tolls you pay presumably go into 
state highway coffers.

>If we ever do really really run out of oil, all of these super highways are 
>going to look kind of funny.

      We may indeed run out of oil, but we will not run out of fuel.  People 
value private transportation way too much for that to happen.  We will migrate 
to biofuels or hydrogen or electric cars, but we will not stop driving in the 
foreseeable future.

Mark Minton

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