You can typically find flood plain information with regards to a specific
piece of property on Property Appraisal District maps. Dallas County
Appraisal District has online maps that are quite useful for checking these
things. Seems like San Antonio has a similar does the Austin
area. The appraisal district of course get their information from other
sources....but I have found that appraisal districts are very good at
pointing out unbuild-able it is in their best interest to know
where and what is build-able.
In addition, many regions or cities maintain zoning and planning maps that
are on line. These maps will usually have topography and flood limits. I
know the North Texas Council of Governments keeps that information for much
of the Metroplex. I have found that some cities keep fairly detailed GIS
type maps in a pdf format on line...and this is also a good source for flood
plain and other encroachment ( ie easements, ROWs, etc.. ) information on

On 9/26/07 10:50 AM, "Ron Ralph" <> wrote:

> I plugged in my house on the top of a fluvial divide that has not flooded
> since the Pleistocene and got back a Low to Moderate risk rating with a button
> to push if I wanted to buy insurance. I think this is a scam or at best a
> scare tactic. Where are the FEMA flood zone maps with 25 year and 100 year
> averages?
> Ron
> From: Allan Cobb []
> Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 10:36 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Texascavers] RE: Sea Level Rise--the Map
> I saw that Ediger didn't include the link either so I did a google search for
> sea level rise map and it was the first hit.
> I would like to add the sea level rise WILL NOT affect this year's TCR site.
> Mother Nature is not invited so we are not expecting floods!
> Allan
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Minton, Mark <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 9:44 AM
>> Subject: [Texascavers] RE: Sea Level Rise--the Map
>>       Ediger said:
>>> >Here is the map of sea level rise I've been looking for.
>>       Where?  There was no URL given.  Remember - no attachments on
>> Texascavers.  :-)
>> Mark Minton

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