It's been a while (20yrs?) since I ate in McDonalds; do they
sell rat burgers now-a-days?



        From: RD Milhollin [] 
        Sent: Friday, June 22, 2007 10:56 AM
        To: Minton, Mark; Texas Cavers
        Subject: RE: [Texascavers] RE: [How to cook bats]
        The stewed rat I had in SLP reminded me of dove. It was cooked
in a tomato base with chiles and some vegetables, sort of like a rich
soup. The rat was a little "gamey", all dark meat, but very tender. Our
hostess bought the meat in a local market, and we were assured that they
were trapped by farmers who saw them as competition for grain. Thus
these were "field rats" not city rats, probably a big difference as
regards potential disease vectors and all. We were told that rats were
once prized cuisine in parts of Mexico, but that they are becoming less
popular due to increased urbanization and Western media influences
(think McDonalds commercials).

                -----Original Message-----
                From: Minton, Mark []
                Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 8:56 AM
                To: Texas Cavers
                Subject: [Texascavers] RE: [How to cook bats]
                      Don Cooper said:

                >You'd think RATS, instead would yield a whole lot more
                      I suspect the bats they're eating are the large
fruit bats and flying foxes, not the little guys we're used to.  And
people do eat rats.  I don't know about in Asia, although I suspect they
do, but definitely in southern Mexico.  In Chiapas cavers have seen rat
on a stick, cooked and ready to go like a kabob, in the markets.  Mmm!
                Mark Minton

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