Hey again,

Yeah, its a real mystery.  I have checked messages from him
in my junk box several times - his messages are simply not
getting to me and that just simply defies logic.
Other people get his messages - they arent really coming
FROM him anyway, they are being - for the most part - relayed
through the mailer TO the recipient (us), right?
I get all those other messages from the mailer...
To me thats the WORST thing about computer problems -
everything being 0's or 1's - NOTHING should be that hard
to figure out.  But when computers and computer systems
seem to behave illogically... well, thats when its time to get
out the sledgehammer and behave illogically too - well, at
least its how it makes me feel! =:-)

From: Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith <wo...@justfamily.org>
To: Don Cooper <wavyca...@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] FW: ezmlm warning
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 17:14:54 -0600

I stay away from penguins, they tend to be bloated :)

the verified thing must be a hotmail feature, I have no idea (never used hotmail) about that

Check your junk/spam mail for any posts from Edward... spam filters for any mail service almost always catch some list traffic as spam, gmail did it, so does thunderbird whenever I first set that up (freeware/opensource email client).

all of the email goes through the server, the From: is left as the original email address, but the mail is really coming from the server, and unless you have a email rule/filter that doesn't like Edward's name, it won't pay attention to that, but from the content

hopefully I made my self clear and didn't muddy the cavewater too much with all of this

hit me with any questions you have

Don Cooper wrote:
Hey Charles
The worst part of my problem has been resolved.  Very Good.
There are still some wierd things (If ya find this challenging)
One thing I think is odd is that when I post to texascavers,
I get a reply to myself, but Hotmail says MY id is unverified (!).
Ocassionally people that are on my contacts list are identified
as UnVerified (!).
Another oddity - it appears that posts generated by Edward
Gelstone are not getting to me.  I only KNOW about them
because other people respond to his posts, and I *then*
see them (!) - i.e. THEIR posts, but with his content
You got some tricky daemons working for you.  I think
I'd swith to penguins!

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