Have you looked at the latest issue of the NSS Accidents?

I particularly enjoyed reading the Pozo de Gavilan report?
Is the pool really 120 feet deep?       I think cavers doing
pits in the Sierra Madres need to give strong consideration
to the Killer Bee problem.       I am surprised the guy trying
to do the rescue didn't drive the car off into the pit with all
the cavers still on rope.    

I was not aware of the tragedy at the Omega System.
I have never cared for the bobbin myself.     Seems like
cavers using this device need to be more knowledgeable
about its shortcomings.

I believe all cavers should read these reports, as it seems
many of these incidents are preventable.      For example,
a simple hand-line on a slippery slope can prevent a simple
slip from turning into a major cave rescue.

There were a lot of cave fatalities reported, but most were
non-cavers or cave divers.       It was very sad to read 
about the toddler that fell into a pit in his back-yard.

David Locklear

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