NSS Photography Book Now Available
      By: Scott Fee  (Birmingham, Alabama)

It has arrived!

The NSS has just printed a new hardbound book on the subject of Cave
Photography. "On Caves and Cameras" brings together in one volume the
collected knowledge and experience of sixteen of the world's most
experienced and skilled underground photographers. This hardbound book
is indispensable for anyone who is interested in photographing in
caves or mines, outdoors at night, in large indoor spaces, or in any
other situation where artificial lighting is required. Whether you are
just beginning to take pictures with a point-and-shoot camera or have
many years of experience photographing in the dark, you will find
information tailored to your needs. Topics include single-flash and
multiple-flash photography, point-and-shoot cameras, digital cameras,
photo-editing software, lighting huge spaces, close-up photography,
and photographing in show caves. This book will enable you to take
better photographs - and inspire you to do so!

Price: $35.00 Members, $38.00 Non-Members, Shipping: $7.00




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