The file at the Karst Information Portal for Texas Caver vol. 48, no. 7, December 2002, was a real mess. (It is really number 6, but was labeled number 7 in the issue.) I suspect it was created from a preliminary version of the layout of the issue. Most of the pages in the file bear the wrong page numbers, and they are arranged neither as printed nor according to the erroneous numbers on them. And one photograph in the file is different from the one actually published.

I have prepared a new file for that issue, using the original file's pages as much as possible, and put it at

There remain a few unimportant differences between my file and the published issue, such as a couple of pages in the file that are in color but were printed black-and-white and at least one typo that was corrected before final printing.

I hope this will be the last of sorting out the old Texas Caver files. I've gone over them all twice now, searching for new Mexican cave maps for the AMCS web site and compiling a bibliography of articles about Mexican caving.--Mixon
Certainly the game is rigged: If you don't bet, you can't win.
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