It's bat vs. bat in aerial jamming wars

It's bat vs. bat in aerial jamming wars 

Special wavering call sabotages aim 

By Susan Milius 

10:00am, December 19, 2014 

SONAR WARS Of the 15 known kinds of squeaks and chirps that a Mexican 
free-tailed bat makes, one looks like aerial sabotage. 

Magazine issue: Vol. 186 No. 13, December 27, 2014 

In nighttime flying duels, Mexican free-tailed bats make short, wavering 
sirenlike waaoo-waaoo sounds that jam each other’s sonar. 

These “amazing aerial battles” mark the first examples of echolocating animals 
routinely sabotaging the sonar signals of their own kind, says Aaron Corcoran 
of Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, N.C. Many bats, like dolphins, 
several cave-dwelling birds and some other animals, locate prey and landscape 
features by pinging out sounds and listening for echoes. Some prey, such as 
tiger moths, detect an incoming attack and make frenzied noises that can jam 
bat echolocation, Corcoran and his colleagues showed in 2009 (SN: 1/31/09, p. 
10). And hawkmoths under attack make squeaks with their genitals in what also 
may be defensive jamming (SN Online: 7/3/13). But Corcoran didn’t expect 
bat-on-bat ultrasonic warfare. 

Mexican free-tailed bats fight sonar wars, jamming each other’s echolocation 
signals in competitions to snatch moths out of the night sky. 

Nickolay Hristov 

He was studying moths dodging bats in Arizona’s Chiricahua Mountains when his 
equipment picked up a feeding buzz high in the night sky. A free-tailed bat was 
sending faster and faster echolocation calls to refine the target position 
during the final second of an attack. (Bats, the only mammals known with 
superfast muscles, can emit more than 150 sounds a second.) Then another 
free-tailed bat gave a slip-sliding call. Corcoran, in a grad student frenzy of 
seeing his thesis topic as relevant to everything, thought the call would be a 
fine way to jam a buzz. “Then I totally told myself that’s impossible — that’s 
too good to be true.” 

Five years later he concluded he wasn’t just hearing things. He and William 
Conner, also of Wake Forest, report in the Nov. 7 Science that the up-and-down 
call can cut capture success by about 70 percent. Using multiple microphones, 
he found that one bat jams another, swoops toward the moth and gets jammed 

Corcoran says that neighborly sabotage could be especially valuable for the 
highly sociable Mexican free-taileds (Tadarida brasiliensis). “If you live in a 
cave with a million bats,” he says, “you have to go out and find food — and 
compete with a million bats.” 

JAMMED SIGNAL Three video clips filmed outdoors at night show Mexican 
free-tailed bats (the larger white shapes) hunting tethered insects (smaller 
white shapes). The first clip shows a successful midair catch, and the rest 
show how jamming calls foil the attempts. Credit: A.J. Corcoran et al./Science 

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