Sure, one would like to know that one's diving buddies are qualified and using 
equipment that is more or less familiar to you, so you can spot problems or 
help in an emergency; that is their argument. But it can be carried to 
extremes. See
and the link there to a nearly 100-page list of training and equipment 
standards. I suspect (hope) that many cave divers would not find that much 
regimentation congenial. For example, their equipment standard does not appear 
to permit side-mounts, which have come to be seen as pretty much essential for 
a lot of cave diving. (That standard may be sometimes "honor'd in the breach.") 
Rebreather divers must use a "GUE-approved rebreather."

Global Underwater Explorers clearly consider themselves an elite bunch. Others 
may disagree, or if they agree (certainly they have some impressive 
accomplishments), be put off by it. -- Mixon
Rules to live by: Don't. And don't forget to.
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