Since there is not much caving post here today, I thought I
would post a general post about the political mess our
country is in and how cavers feel about it all.

Hit the delete button now, please.

I hope this does not make anyone angry or open up a
can of worms.  So please be cordial if you respond.

The main purpose here in this post is to see if cavers in general have
a different perspective than the majority of voters or the

The election for POTUS is about 96 days away.   I
have been told that at least 51% of active cavers are Democrats.
Is that true ?

Are there any political issues affecting cavers ?    Like gov't
sanctioned drilling and mining in karst areas ?

Would you still vote for Hillary if she were to be indicted ?
Do you feel her husband is helping or hurting her campaign ?

Do you think Bernie should be POTUS ?

Do you think the federal gov't should beef up southern border security ?
Meaning we should spend lots more tax-dollars along the southern border ?

Looking back in history, WaterGate sure seems to be insignificant
compared to the Republican attacks on Hillary.    It seems obvious, she
had no choice but to hide all her files and have a private server, as there
was nobody in our gov't she could trust.   I bet hundreds of gov't employees
at high levels have had to do such things to protect themselves.   I also
feel strongly, that Hillary probably has little use of email, and the
30,000 emails
is just a smokescreen, most of it all is just her staff ordering pizza.

I do not think we should let the terrorist actions affect our election or our
decision making.    However, someone has to battle them.   I strongly feel they
need to be terminated.    It seems clear to me that H*llary wants to first give
them some money and try to work with them.   We have tried that numerous times
and that is how we ended up with Osama Bin Laden, and Noriega, and Chavez, and
the Shah of Iran, and the list goes on.     Personally, I am very
tired and annoyed by
it all, and think we have tolerated it for 70 years and that is long
enough.   It is time now, to get down at their
level and be meaner than them.    Only one candidate has expressed
similar thoughts.

My real concerns though are more at the local level in my own
neighborhood.    Crime has
become out of control and we have a revolving door system that has
become a profitable
industry.   In fact, I make all my money off of it.    I would be a
huge hypocrit to say that
the system needs to tweaked.   I feel we need to keep the bad people
in some kind of
facility.   But that cost money, and I do not trust the gov't to
efficiently spend my hard-earned
money.   I see that money go to waste every day - like outdoor
lighting on public buildings is
on 24/7 all year long, or lawn sprinklers going off during a flood
event.   Or gov't employees
sitting in the cars idling for hours to keep the AC running.   That is
not good for the engine,
by the way.

David Locklear
amateur political analyst
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