
I see no problem with people bringing their own beer to the convention, and if it saves the NSS over $7500, I think that's all the better. Thanks, William, for your reasonable explanation.

Lee Skinner

On 6/11/2017 8:48 PM, mcvittetoe via Southwestern Cavers of the National Speleological Society wrote:
OOPS, I messed up on that last email. I ment to say. To all of you booze hounds out there. I don't like paying more for conventions that use more of something that I do not use!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel that if you want booze at the convention you should pay for it!

Marion Vittetoe said that.

In a message dated 6/11/2017 4:26:49 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:


    I am ashamed of you by trying to change the topic to “we’re so
    poor”. *This is a Convention budgeting issue, not an NSS dictating
    issue  … and especially after the BOG voted at the March meeting
    that NSS Conventions must budget for a profit.*

    The people at the Conventions are the movers and shakers of the
    NSS.  These are the very people who have made caves and the NSS
    their lives.  These are the people, who, after donating hundreds
    of hours each year, and many, many dollars, want to enjoy talking
    with their friends.

    Everyone.  Let’s make this clearer.  The NSS is not poor and this
    is our national Convention.  Go to the just published
    Secretary-Treasurer report at Go to
    *Attachment A* which has all of the National Speleological
    Foundation (NSF) funds.

    *We have an Account Balance with the NSF of **$3,157,393.52**(as
    of 3/31/2017)*.  That’s up $63,000 dollars over 3/2016, and this
    is *after* $80,000 was taken out of the NSS Endowment Fund.

    The first time I ever heard of law enforcement being called for a
    fight at a Convention was 2011.  To bring this up as a reason is
    truly offensive.

    The main point is mandating to Convention staffs is yet another
    reason why our NSS membership is going down.  Caving and
    Conventions were fun when we started caving.

    A BOG member needs to *amend the motion to remove the sentence*
    “*No other alcoholic beverages will be provided.*“  A non-second
    to the motion would be better.

    I am not on the Texas Cavers list.  Could someone please forward
    this response to them?


    Ray Keeler <>


    *From:* <>
    [ <>]
    *Sent:* Sunday, June 11, 2017 12:53 PM
    *To:* <>; <>
    *Subject:* RE: [NSSwest] BOG Agenda Item 6-Tell your BOG to Vote NO

    Ray, Ernie, & everyone (including Texas Cavers, since I see RD
    forwarded it there),

    Ernie is correct – the beer budget alone would have been enough to
    put several conventions in the black (instead of the red). That
    said, I’m not opposed to beer (even though I don’t drink it myself).

    The questions are:

    -When is it “enough”? Should we just 30-35 kegs (more than OTR
    purchases, and that is designated a “party event”, yet what was
    being budgeted for in an upcoming convention) and have it every
    night? I believe most would say “no, a couple of nights is more
    than sufficient”.

    -When a fight breaks out, and it has several times (to the point
    of the police being called), are we responsible since we served
    it? Different laws in different states/municipalities/campuses
    make this a nightmare to avoid.

    -The main point I have below is not that the NSS wants to ban beer
    (we don’t), but that we will limit it to the alcoholic beverages
    listed. There is a trend coming that wants to serve “hard liquor”,
    and the entire EC of the NSS is opposed to this. Just as we don’t
    object to the NSS buying beer & wine, we do object when it comes
    down to liquor with much higher alcohol content. I’ll buy my own,
    thank you.

    -The cost of beer alone in a proposed Convention budget is $7,510.
    This does not include wine at the NSS Awards Banquet, which is
    another $2,475, for a total of $9,985. This amount has easily
    broken Convention’s budgets all by itself. Part of 2018’s “cost
    savings” is a proposed $200 pre-reg ($250 at the door)
    registration, and if you want a guidebook that’s extra.

    So yes, buy extra and truck around the leftovers the next day and
    fill everyone’s pitchers – that’s a really great way to continue
    to bleed your Society in a form we can’t control. If we don’t set
    a limit, each new Convention points out the (often large) holes we
    have in how to host a convention.

    I would hope that everyone will instead encourage the Directors to
    be fiscally responsible for the Society, and to do the right thing
    by voting “for”. Everything in moderation, even caving.

    Wm Shrewsbury

    President, for another week

    National Speleological Society

    *From:* <>
    [ <>]
    *Sent:* Sunday, June 11, 2017 2:45 PM
    *To:* <>
    *Subject:* [NSSwest] BOG Agenda Item 6-Tell your BOG to Vote NO

    *Ray, et al,

    I don't believe Wm is trying to change your way of drinking, but
    to use funding more wisely. When more funding is used for
    alcoholic purposes to get folks drinking from the time they wake
    up to the time they fall into their tent at night,  is becoming an
    ongoing thing, yes, yes and we've all seen it recently. Ha! When
    you look at the financial picture of putting on a convention, the
    teeter-totter seems to be swayed by the beer expenses. As for the
    New Member/Fellows gathering that is a simple thing to deal with
    and should be a separate issue IMHO. On top of these thoughts, of
    late, its the campsites that get all this extra economy--Ha!--and
    those of us who put off camping lately, that's our problem, but
    lowering the cost of registration could be a major part of this
    issue, you think?

    Ernie Coffman, 8316LF*

    Hello NSS West,

    You need to know about this.  On the Monday Morning BOG agenda
    they will vote on the motion below.

    Please talk to your Directors and Officers before the Monday
    morning vote and *request that each BOG member votes “NO!” on
    Agenda Item 6.*

    *Please forward this to other list serves.  You can contact your
    Directors and Officers even if you are not going to the 2017

    *Let your leaders hear from you directly!**
    ** <>**+**
    <>**=** <>*

    … and yes, there are several BOG members on the NSS West list.  If
    you reply to this list, several will see your reply.

    Agenda Item 6 “Convention Beverages”  is about restricting when
    alcoholic beverages can be served during the Conventions.  You are
the representatives of the membership. You are my representative. Please vote “*NO*” on agenda item 6.

    This motion is another unnecessary burden to future Convention
    committees.  It is another unnecessary, and unwanted requirement.

    The motion is below.  The “Note:” below the motion will not be
    included in the Acts of the Board.  It is only there to sway your

    Minimally, I am asking you, my Directors, to *amend* the motion to
    *remove the sentence* “*No other alcoholic beverages will be

    *Example*: There was a Convention (I was there) where not all of
    the beer was consumed at the previous night’s gathering.  The
    following day the remaining beer kegs were trailered through the
    campground and pitchers were used to fill campers’ containers.  It
    was a memorable and unexpected perk that was very much
    appreciated.  If this motion passes, enjoyable, spontaneous events
    cannot happen.

    6) *Convention Beverages*

    Shrewsbury moves: The annual NSS Convention is permitted, once
    legal permits and permission has been obtained for that area, to
    serve beer at the Howdy Party and the Campground party.
    Additionally, wine may be served at the Fellows/New Members
    reception, Auction night, and the NSS Awards Banquet. *No other
    alcoholic beverages will be provided.* Adequate alternatives, such
    as soft drinks, tea, and water will also be provided at these events.

    Note: While the Board has discussed this on a prior occasion,
    other than voting down the “no alcohol at all” motion on the floor
    at that time, the Board has not codified what is acceptable. This
    motion is not designed to set a new precedent, but to codify our
    understanding of the Board’s decision.

    Thank you,

    Ray Keeler

    NSS 23245

    Current Arizona Region President

    Former NSS EVP, AVP, and Director



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