Is this stuff we really need to know or are really interested in? People who 
are of adult age who don't act responsibly, either physically or fiscally, 
should not be putting this out to other people. Makes them look STUPID. And 
most of us really don't care.

From: Texascavers <> on behalf of David via 
Texascavers <>
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2017 9:08 AM
Cc: David
Subject: [Texascavers] another intimate personal story

In hindsight, I could have attended the entire NSS convention had I left the 
Sequoia in Houston and just hitch-hiked straight to Albuquerque.

The data below is just to give someone an idea what can happen on a ill-fated 

Below is a rough summary of my expenses so far:

Gas to drive to Decatur:   $  40
Money given to my ride   $ 100
1 Day Pass at NSS            $  60
Motel in Decatur                $  73
Motel in Rhome.                 $ 65
Mobile mechanic              $ 500
Bus ride                               $  59
Misc expenses.                  $ 20.75
City bus fare.                      $ 3.25     Albuquerque casino.         $ 10

Approximate total.            $ 931

Craigslist rider credit.      +  $ 76

Approximate subtotal      $ 855

The casino loss was stupid, but I will just skip casino trips to Lake Charles 
and lotto tickets for a few months to make up for that.

The $ 60 to the NSS is a worthy expense.   Right ??

I might have missed 2 days of potential work.    I certainly missed 2 days of 
relaxing in my motel in Houston which was already paid for.

I did learn some road-trip concepts that would help me on future trips, if I 
had some common-sense and were not so hard-headed stubborn.

The 2 unecessary motel fees were something that I did not budget for, and were 
due entirely to me compromising my route in order to carpool with a quasi-caver.

But I think it seems obvious now that trying to get from Arcola, TX to Rio 
Rancho, NM for a 4 day vacation road-trip was a really bad idea and the odds of 
success were very low.

The mechanic still has not done a compression test or been able to get the 
Sequoia to come close to starting and they have had it 26 hours.   The 
mobile-mechanic had it driveable in under 2 hours, but it only started briefly 
once again before it would no longer start.

I heard a rumor that the NSS made about $ 80 of my LED light donations.

I did say "Howdy" to over a hundred people at The Howdy Party, but only briefly 
spoke to about 10 cavers, as I knew very few people there.

There is a girl that I had really hoped to see at the convention and I did get 
to talk with her for about 3 minutes.  That sort of has intangible value, even 
though she probably doesn't know me, or worse, thinks negatively of me.  I 
often wonder, if my life would have been different had I married a girl that 
likes caves, instead of one that doesn't like caves.  She was someone I would 
have like to have known when I was a bachelor.

Unfortunately, I paid for all of the above on credit.   So the aftermath of the 
reality of the damage has not hit me yet.

David Locklear
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