Dear Friends,

Here are more announcements from NCKRI and our friends:

·       Sinkhole Conference final abstract deadline is this Thursday!

·       Hypogea 2019: the next congress on Artificial Cavities

·       16th International Symposium of Speleotherapy

·       List of Upcoming Cave and Karst Meetings

The details are below and you are welcome to share this message with anyone who 
may be interested. Please contact the people and organizations listed below for 
more details.



Sinkhole Conference final abstract deadline is this Thursday!

The extended abstract deadline for the Multidisciplinary Conference on 
Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst, “The Sinkhole 
Conference,” is this Thursday, 31 August 2017. It will not be extended further 
and we hope to see yours in the fabulous group of abstracts we have already 

The Sinkhole Conference is the longest-running international conference of its 
type. Since 1984, engineers, geologists, hydrologists, land managers, 
biologists, and many others have gathered at these meetings to exchange 
cutting-edge information on karst and its many benefits and challenges. In 
consideration of summertime vacations, the abstracts deadline was extended to 
the end of this month, 31 August 2017. Subsequent deadlines remain unchanged. 
Submission of full papers (for approved abstracts) will open on 1 September and 
close on 1 October 2017. The papers of past Sinkhole Conferences have made 
those proceedings highly sought and widely cited. We expect the proceedings of 
the upcoming meeting will be the best yet.

The Sinkhole Conference is managed by the National Cave and Karst Research 
Institute and this next conference is jointly organized with the Karst Waters 
Institute. Additionally, the conference will include the 3rd Appalachian Karst 
Symposium to make for a truly special event.

The 15th Sinkhole Conference will occur on 2-6 April 2018 at the National 
Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, USA, about a 
1.5-hour drive from Washington, DC. The conference circular, which is a 
convenient summary of the conference, is available from, where all other conference details can also 
be found. To submit your abstracts and for instructions on preparing them, see

On behalf of the 15th Sinkhole Conference Organizing Committee, we look forward 
to receiving your abstracts and seeing you in Shepherdstown next year!


Hypogea 2019: the next congress on Artificial Cavities

Following highly successful conferences in Italy in 2015 and Turkey in 2017, 
the next International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities will occur 
in Dobrich, Bulgaria, on 20-25 May 2019.

Hypogea was created from a shared desire to bring together the professionals 
and explorers interested in the scientific documentation of artificial cavities.

The website has just been posted: Bookmark it for 
current information and future updates. This congress is a function of the 
Artificial Cavities Commission of the International Union of Speleology.


16th International Symposium of Speleotherapy

In the first 50-60 years of the 20th century, several publications and 
scientific studies in different countries mentioned the improvement health on 
various diseases (especially respiratory) after time spent in karst caves and 
salt mines. In 1968, the East-Slovakian Museum at Kosice organized the 
"International Symposium about Speleo-climate, Speleo-therapeutics and 
Speleochemistry," which led to the creation of the Speleotherapy Commission of 
the International Union of Speleology in 1969. Since 1969, 15 international 
symposia of speleotherapy were organized every 2-5 years. The next one will 
occur on 24-28 October 2018 in Zlate Hory, Czech Republic. Please bookmark
 for current information and future updates.


List of Upcoming Cave and Karst Meetings

1)         11th Balkan Caving Camp, 28 August – 3 September 2017 (Leonidio, 
Greece), or

2)         11th EuroSpeleo Forum, 15-17 September 2017 (Ferri貥s, Belgium),

3)         44th International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress, 25-29 
September 2017 (Dubrovnik, Croatia),

4)         National Cave and Karst Management Symposium, 16-20 October 2017 
(Eureka Springs, Arkansas, USA),<>

5)         British Cave Research Association 28th Cave Science Symposium, 20-21 
October 2017 (Leeds, UK), website to be announced.

6)         Geological Society of America Convention, 22-25 October (Seattle, 
-Washington, USA),

7)          International Conference on Geomorphology, 6-11 November 2017 (New 
Delhi, India), karst session,

8)          Workshop: Grotte de Han, New Dramatic Effect of Lighting, 16-18 
November 2017 (Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium),<>.

9)          To Know and Share Caves and Karsts: Understanding, Conservation, 
and Geotourism, 6-9 March 2018 (Ard裨e, France),

10)      The Sinkhole Conference, joint with the 3rd Appalachian Karst 
Symposium, 2-6 April 2018 (Shepherdstown, West Virginia, USA),

11)      EuroKarst 2018, 2-6 July 2018, (Besan篮, France),

12)      18th International Vulcanospeleology Symposium, 21-27 July 2018 (Lava 
Beds National Monument, California, USA),

13)      2018 US National Speleological Society Convention, 30 July - 3 August 
2018 (Helena, Montana, USA),

14)      EuroSpeleo Forum 2018, 23-26 August 2018 (Ebensee, Austria),

15)      24th International Conference on Subterranean Biology, 20-24 August 
2018 (University of Aveiro, Portugal),

16)      16th International Symposium of Speleotherapy, 24-28 October 2018 
(Zlate Hory, Czech Republic),

17)      Hypogea 2019: The International Congress of Speleology in Artificial 
Cavities, 20-25 May 2019, (Dobrich, Bulgaria),

George Veni, PhD
President, International Union of Speleology
Executive Director
National Cave and Karst Research Institute
400-1 Cascades Avenue
Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220-6215 USA
Office: +1-575-887-5517
Mobile: +1-210-863-5919
Fax: +1-575-887-5523<><>

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