Dear Friends,

Following are the latest news and updates from NCKRI and its colleagues around 
the world.

·       Professor Position in Cave and Karst Studies: NCKRI-New Mexico Tech, USA

·       The Sinkhole Conference: Don’t Forget to Register

·       Register Now for CavesLIVE: A Distance Learning Adventure

·        KARST 2018 "Expect the Unexpected," Bosnia and Herzegovina: Call for 
Registration and Papers

·       Speleogenesis, Geomorphology and Hazards in Karst at EGU: Austria

·       Registration Open for the Symposium "To know and share caves & karsts": 

·       Student Research Opportunity: Yucatan, Mexico

·       List of Upcoming Cave and Karst Meetings

For more details, please read below. Contact the people and organizations 
listed for more information and always feel free to share this message with 
anyone who may be interested.

This may be NCKRI’s last message for the year, and we send you our best wishes 
for the holidays and an excellent New Year!



Professor Position in Cave and Karst Studies: NCKRI-New Mexico Tech, USA

The New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology invites applications for an 
open rank tenure-track position in cave and karst studies in the Department of 
Earth and Environmental Science (<>), with 
target start date in August 2018. New Mexico Tech is the academic partner of 
the National Cave and Karst Research Institute (NCKRI), located near Carlsbad 
Caverns National Park. The successful candidate will serve as NCKRI’s Academic 
Director, facilitating the link between activities at New Mexico Tech’s campus 
in Socorro and NCKRI headquarters in Carlsbad.

We seek an individual specializing in an earth-science oriented aspect of cave 
and karst research. Areas of particular interest could include hydrogeology, 
geochemistry, geobiology, paleoclimatology, and speleogenesis/geomorphology of 
cave and karst systems. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in the earth sciences or a 
related field at the time of appointment. Demonstrated excellence in research, 
a commitment to teaching, potential for future growth, broad expertise in 
national cave/karst issues, and the ability to coordinate New Mexico Tech’s 
activities within NCKRI are the most important qualifications. Responsibilities 
will include developing an active program of extramurally funded research, 
supervising and supporting graduate students, and teaching two graduate or 
undergraduate courses per year. The position may be filled at the rank of 
Associate Professor or Professor, commensurate with qualifications. Salary is 
negotiable and competitive. Women and underrepresented minorities are 
encouraged to apply. For detailed inquiries, contact search committee chair Dan 
Cadol (<>).

The Department has strong programs in Hydrology, Geophysics, and 
Geology/Geochemistry, with a history of interdisciplinary research within the 
department and with other departments across campus. Additional geoscience 
professionals on campus include over 30 staff members of the New Mexico Bureau 
of Geology and Mineral Resources, plus faculty and researchers in the Petroleum 
Recovery Research Center and the IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center. Applicants 
should submit a letter of interest (including thoughts on how to build on the 
unique NMT/NCKRI linkage), CV, statements of research and teaching interests 
(at most 2 pages each), and the names and contact information of three 
references to New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Human Resources, 
801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM 87801. E-mail applications are not accepted. 
Review of applicant materials will begin on 15 November 2017 and continue until 
the position is filled. New Mexico Tech is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative 
Action employer and Hispanic Serving Institution.


The Sinkhole Conference: Don’t Forget to Register

The Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and 
Environmental Impacts of Karst, generally known as “The Sinkhole Conference,” 
is the longest-running international conference of its type. Since 1984, 
engineers, geologists, hydrologists, land managers, biologists, and many others 
have gathered at these meetings to exchange cutting-edge information on karst 
and its many benefits and challenges. The Sinkhole Conference is managed by the 
National Cave and Karst Research Institute and this next conference is jointly 
organized with the Karst Waters Institute. Additionally, the conference will 
include the 3rd Appalachian Karst Symposium to make for a truly special event.

The 15th Sinkhole Conference will occur on 2-6 April 2018 at the National 
Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, USA, about a 
1.5-hour drive from Washington, DC. The conference circular, which is a 
convenient summary of the conference, is available from, where all other conference details can also 
be found.

Due to security needs at the conference venue, we ask everyone to register by 
23 February 2018. Later and on-site registrants may not be allowed on the 
grounds. Please register as soon as possible and reserve your lodging.


Register Now for CavesLIVE: A Distance Learning Adventure

CavesLIVE: A Distance Learning Adventure explores the world of wonder that 
awaits just below the surface.  REGISTER NOW at 
to learn about specially adapted animals, beautiful mirror pools, sparkling 
crystals, domed caverns, and twisting tunnels lie just below our feet in many 
areas around the world and even on other planets! Caves provide just one 
connection between our everyday lives and this rich underground ecosystem. Join 
scientists and CavesLIVE for an exploration of the world beneath our feet, and 
find out how we are connected to these amazing underground resources.

First, watch a video – “CavesLIVE: Bringing Caves and Karst to Light” – which 
will be available on the website in February 2018.  Then, join us on March 14, 
2018 at noon Eastern Time for a FREE, LIVE question and answer program at Luray 
Caverns in Virginia. Scientists will be available to answer questions from 
students and others.

Multiple viewing options are available. Chose the best way to watch and 

·       On the CavesLIVE web site at

·       On Facebook at

·       On YouTube at

The goal of CavesLIVE is to raise awareness and understanding of caves and 
karst – a  resource that is seldom seen and considered mysterious – and connect 
it to people's everyday lives.


KARST 2018 "Expect the Unexpected," Bosnia and Herzegovina: Call for 
Registration and Papers

We are pleased to announce that registration and the call for papers are now 
open for the Symposium KARST 2018 "Expect the Unexpected." The symposium will 
be held in honor of the 80th birthday of Professor Dr. Petar Milanovic in 
Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 6-9 June 2018. For more information see


Speleogenesis, Geomorphology and Hazards in Karst at EGU: Austria

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to submit an abstract to the session "Speleogenesis, 
Geomorphology and Hazards in Karst"

NH8.2/GM7.5/HS11.35/SSS13.42, at the European Geosciences Union General 
Assembly - EGU2018, which will take place on 08–13 April 2018 in Vienna, 

Conveners: MARIO PARISE (Italy), ANDREJ MIHEVC (Slovenia), LUKAS PLAN 

The session will be dedicated, but not limited to, the following topics:

(1) What are the driving mechanisms of karst dissolution and on what time 
scales do they operate?

(2) How do variations in geomechanical or hydrological factors affect the 
development of karstification?

(3) How do the above variations may lead to formation of sinkholes, or 
development of other hazards?

(4) Are there geophysical, geodetic, or other precursors to sinkhole collapse 
or other hazards, and how might they be detected and monitored?

(5) What are the factors threatening karst resources quality and quantity?

(6) How can hazards in and to karst be mitigated?

More details on the session can be found at the following webpage:

Detailed information on how to submit an abstract can be found at:


- Deadline for abstract submission: 10 January 2018 (abstract processing charge 
of €40.00 gross)

- Deadline for late abstract submission: 18 January 2018 (final approval by the 
programme committee required; abstract processing charge of €80 gross).

- EGU will be held on 08-13 April 2018. The exact day of the session

NH8.2 will be decided in February. We will communicate it as soon as possible.

Kind regards,

Mario Parise, Andrej Mihevc, Lukas Plan, Jason Polk & Francesco Sauro


Registration Open for the Symposium "To know and share caves & karsts": France


You can fill up the form<> and start to plan your journey 
to Ardèche.

Online payment is now open for the event that will be held from March, 6th to 
9th, 2018 in Vogüé, France. The symposium will consist of 3 round table 
examinations for critical cave and karst issues, and a day trip in Ardèche to 
observe and get immerged in karstic landscapes.

All the information about the Symposium is available at:

Best regards,
Chargé de communication
Syndicat Mixte
Grand projet La Caverne du Pont-d'Arc
Port : 07 86 97 64 23
Tél : 04 75 29 73 04
E-mail :<><>


Student Research Opportunity: Yucatan, Mexico

Dear Educators,

I am writing to you about an opportunity that may be of interest to your 
students. Northern Illinois University, Northeastern Illinois University, and 
the Yucatan Center for Scientific Research are offering a Research Experience 
for Undergraduates program for Summer 2018. Participants will work with faculty 
mentors and other students to research water resources in the Yucatan Peninsula.

The program is eight weeks (June 4-July 27), with the first and last two weeks 
at the NIU campus. The other four weeks will be spent researching in and around 
Cancun, Mexico. Participants will be provided with room and board, as well as a 
$500 per week stipend, for the duration of the program. Applicants should be 
current freshmen, sophomores, or juniors. Please note the deadline for 
applications is February 1, 2018.

More information about this exciting opportunity, including project 
descriptions and application requirements, can be found at<>. Feel free to contact me with 
any questions at<> or<>.

I would appreciate it if you would pass this information on to any students who 
might benefit from this program. Thank you.


Claire Mogren


List of Upcoming Cave and Karst Meetings

1)         To Know and Share Caves and Karsts: Understanding, Conservation, and 
Geotourism, 6-9 March 2018 (Ardèche, France),

2)         CavesLIVE: A Distance Learning Adventure, 14 March 2018 (on-line 

3)         The Sinkhole Conference, joint with the 3rd Appalachian Karst 
Symposium, 2-6 April 2018 (Shepherdstown, West Virginia, USA),

4)         Eleventh International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and 
Recalcitrant Compounds: Karst Case Studies Session, 8-12 April 2018 (Palm 
Springs, California, USA),

5)         Speleogenesis, Geomorphology and Hazards in Karst, European 
Geosciences Union, 8–13 April 2018 (Vienna, Austria),

6)         California Cave Life Symposium, 28 April 2018 (California Academy of 
Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA),<>

7)         Characterization and Engineering of Karst Aquifers Workshop, 27 May 
– 5 June (Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina),

8)         Karst 2018: Expect the Unexpected, 6-9 June (Trebinje, Bosnia and 

9)         Karst Field Studies Program, six different 5-6 day courses from 3 
June to 10 August 2018 (Grand Canyon National Park and Mammoth Cave National 
Park, USA),<>

10)      8th International Workshop on Ice caves (IWIC-VIII), 11-16 June 2018 
(Picos de Europa National Park, Spain), temporary website:<>.

11)      EuroKarst 2018, 2-6 July 2018, (Besançon, France),

12)      18th International Vulcanospeleology Symposium, 21-27 July 2018 (Lava 
Beds National Monument, California, USA),

13)      2018 US National Speleological Society Convention, 30 July - 3 August 
2018 (Helena, Montana, USA),

14)      EuroSpeleo Forum 2018, 23-26 August 2018 (Ebensee, Austria),

15)      24th International Conference on Subterranean Biology, 20-24 August 
2018 (University of Aveiro, Portugal),

16)      24th International Cave Bear Symposium, 27-30 September 2018 
(Chepelare, Bulgaria), circular and website to be announced soon.

17)      16th International Symposium of Speleotherapy, 24-28 October 2018 
(Zlate Hory, Czech Republic),

18)      Hypogea 2019: The International Congress of Speleology in Artificial 
Cavities, 20-25 May 2019 (Dobrich, Bulgaria),

19)      National Speleological Congress of Switzerland, 9-12 August 2019 
(Interlaken, Switzerland),

George Veni, PhD
President, International Union of Speleology
Executive Director
National Cave and Karst Research Institute
400-1 Cascades Avenue
Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220-6215 USA
Office: +1-575-887-5517
Mobile: +1-210-863-5919
Fax: +1-575-887-5523<><>

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