A short PSA for those cavers going/caving in Mexico and looking at using a Drone while in country.

Reading a recent page about "Drone laws by country" I noted that the recreational use of a drone in Mexico is RESTRICTED for foreigners.

I.E. it is illegal for foreigner to use a drone without a permit.

There is little to no enforcement of this BUT IF the authorities decided to, they can legally take your drone and fine/jail you.

Going a little deeper and looking for a bit more information I found the following discussion of this matter, here lifted from a drone flyers forum:

"The Mexican regulation does not allow giving a permit to fly a Foreign Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) drone in Mexico. This prohibition is established in Circular Obligatoria CO AV-23/10 R3 paragraph 7.2.y). For your information the Circular Obligatoria aforementioned establishes the requirements and limitations to operate RPAS in Mexican airspace and it is in Spanish only. If you want, you could obtain a copy of the Circular Obligatoria in the following link:


A direct question of so it IS illegal for any US citizen to operate a drone in Mexico:

His first reply:

"It is correct, it is not possible to grant authorization for pilots and US companies to provide services to Drones to Mexico, until there is a bilateral agreement where the rules for their acceptance are established for both countries."​

I asked if this applied to both commercial and rec fliers; he replied: '

"Is correct, it that applies to both commercial & recreational fliers, and so is necessary obtain Bilateral Agreement between FAA and DGAC, for established the conditions and limitations for do it."​

BTW these reply's came from this guy:

ng. Pablo Carranza Plata.
Director General AdjuntO de Aviación
Tels. (+52 55) 5723-9300 / 5482-4100 Ext. 18070,
Blvd. Adolfo López Mateos 1990, 2º piso
Col. Los Alpes Tlacopac, Del. Álvaro Obregón,
C.P. 01010, en México, D. F.​"

Original page link:


forums thread link:

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