How do male bees find caves?

On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 5:54 PM, Terry Holsinger via Texascavers <> wrote:

> A short PSA for those cavers going/caving in Mexico and looking at using a
> Drone while in country.
> Reading a recent page about "Drone laws by country" I noted that the
> recreational use of a drone in Mexico is RESTRICTED for foreigners.
> I.E. it is illegal for foreigner to use a drone without a permit.
> There is little to no enforcement of this BUT IF the authorities decided
> to, they can legally take your drone and fine/jail you.
> Going a little deeper and looking for a bit more information I found the
> following discussion of this matter, here lifted from a drone flyers forum:
> "The Mexican regulation does not allow giving a permit to fly a Foreign
> Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) drone in Mexico. This prohibition
> is established in Circular Obligatoria CO AV-23/10 R3 paragraph 7.2.y). For
> your information the Circular Obligatoria aforementioned establishes the
> requirements and limitations to operate RPAS in Mexican airspace and it is
> in Spanish only. If you want, you could obtain a copy of the Circular
> Obligatoria in the following link:
> archivo/modulo3/co-av-23-10-r3.pdf
> A direct question of so it IS illegal for any US citizen to operate a
> drone in Mexico:
> His first reply:
> "It is correct, it is not possible to grant authorization for pilots and
> US companies to provide services to Drones to Mexico, until there is a
> bilateral agreement where the rules for their acceptance are established
> for both countries."​
> I asked if this applied to both commercial and rec fliers; he replied: '
> "Is correct, it that applies to both commercial & recreational fliers, and
> so is necessary obtain Bilateral Agreement between FAA and DGAC, for
> established the conditions and limitations for do it."​
> BTW these reply's came from this guy:
> ng. Pablo Carranza Plata.
> Director General AdjuntO de Aviación
> Tels. (+52 55) 5723-9300 / 5482-4100 Ext. 18070,
> Blvd. Adolfo López Mateos 1990, 2º piso
> <,+2%C2%BA+piso&entry=gmail&source=g>
> Col. Los Alpes Tlacopac, Del. Álvaro Obregón,
> C.P. 01010, en México, D. F.​"
> Original page link:
> forums thread link:
> d-for-americans.104976/
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