I deeply admire this guy.     My favorite tv show as a kid was Salvage One
Andy Griffith.    Andy owned a junk-yard and dreamed of being an astronaut.

Obviously there was some problem with his 2nd chute and he would have
died had the 2nd chute not deployed.

However, the conclusion is nearly identical to Evel Kneivel's stunt.     I
think they
use a different fueled engine though.

This would be a cool thing to have at TCR or the NSS Convention.

I know in West Virginia they had a caver shooting something large out of a
but I do not think it was a human cannon-ball.

If this guy gets enough sponsors, he could acheive his dream and do
something along
the lines of Felix Baumgartner.

How many humans in human history, can proclaim, "I built a rocket and
launched myself 1,000
feet into the sky and lived to tell about it."

I bet that was exciting to watch in person.

David Locklear
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