Thank you Charles for hosting the list for many years. You have explained your position several times in the past but it was time to remind the members of the rules.

Missed you at the TSA Convention. It was a good one.

Thanks again.
Logan McNatt

On 4/2/2018 9:15 AM, Charles Goldsmith wrote:
We don't have a moderator per se and I'll remind everyone of the rules : 

If the community at large decides they want moderation, someone can step up and take over the hosting and administration of the mailing list.  I don't have the time nor will to moderate.

If you feel someone is getting out of line on the list, send them a private message.  If you don't have their contact info, send me a message and I'll provide it.

Charles Goldsmith mailing list administrator

On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 8:52 AM Sheryl Rieck <> wrote:

To your point, this forum is for like-minded individuals to discuss caving. It is not an open form for political, religious or any other discussions that reach far outside caving. I don’t suppose the moderator can step in and stop off topic posts such as these where the caving community is being subjected to criticism because they wish to discuss caving on a caving forum?  

Sheryl Rieck

"You can't always get what you want but if you try sometime, you just might find you get what you need" Rolling Stones

On Apr 2, 2018, at 9:22 AM, Michael Gibbons <> wrote:

Your a gluten for punishment.
You keep on posting whatever you feel you need to on this site. 
I expect you have as much right as the next caver to be heard.
The CG refer to me as a troll. I submit to you a troll then must be defined thusly. 
An opposing or different view point substantiated with evidence proving to be as/or more valid than that of the haters. Who in return resort to name calling when out of intelligent commentary.
The troll (or intelligent adversary) has no problem resorting to name calling and sometimes resorts to pre-emptive strikes. This cuts down on the length of the discussion and allows said troll to retire to his slumber under the email bridge awaiting the next attack on superfluous drivel deemed important by the holier than thou. 
It has become a badge of honor to confound said holies and befuddle their minds. If only they would open them a little they might find some viewpoints with value. 
At any rate David they don't care for either one of us very much. Take heart in this quote from a book I read as a child...."The cure for 50 enemies is a single friend".
I'm glad to see that you don't measure yourself by the acceptance of others. Nor do I. After all it is only a different perspective from which we view this quagmire we call society and I value knowing the point of view of those that think differently than I. It is important to know who you deal with.
Funny thing, I don't have much trouble getting along with those who have taken a moment to get to know me. I dare say the same goes with your idiosyncrasies and folks who take the time to see through those batcrazy eyes of yours. Sometimes your observations border on brilliance, but to those who discount you as simply annoying, it is a loss they suffer. I find a sensitive, caring somewhat confused man who reaches out for like minded folks on a medium intended.for that specific purpose.
Carry on McDuff.

On Sun, Apr 1, 2018, 11:37 PM David <> wrote:
From David Locklear

There is an interesting cave story in the news.   The link below is a map of the cave in the story.

But I am not saying more.

Back before I officially retired, I was advised by the CG ( Cavetex Gestapos ) to stop posting stuff that anybody can Google ( like Carlsbad elevator stories )

Last week,

having some spare time due to yet another unexpected work furlough, I raked diligently through the haystack of the internet looking for a needle - some story that would spark some speleo-thought.

I found absolutely nothing whatsoever that was noteworthy.

And that is when I stumbled on to the story of The Shroud.  I made a faithful effort to keep it as cave related as possible.


National Geographic has already proven the Shroud is a hoax.   They made a sculpture of what the guy in the Shroud most likely looked would have looked like and it wasn't even close to the image in the Shroud ( which more closely resembles Professor Dumbledore ).   It is not my fault the Shroud story coincides with other stuff.  I was surprised to learn how many people have never heard of the Shroud or what its significance would be it it were not a hoax.   I mean, if you walked into a cave and found a shroud, wouldn't you take it home and out it in a box for safekeeping ?

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