All - Christmas music is playing everywhere this weekend, but I'm sad
beyond words at hearing this. Lee Jay was a great friend who's gone too
soon - and way too suddenly.
It was a privilege to serve with Lee Jay on the TCMA board. He was a
passionate advocate for us and made a real difference for Central Texas
caving and cave conservation over the years. He truly knew the meaning
behind volunteerism and giving back.
I got to visit with Lee Jay this summer, but he was too sick to come to our
last board meeting earlier this month. I will miss his friendship and
unique perspective.
Justin, many thanks for the heads-up on this, keeping us posted and for
being there for him at the end. And thanks to George for a wonderful
tribute to Lee Jay - and to others who share his stories.
Unfortunately,  I'll be out-of-state for the gathering next weekend. But
please give my condolences to Lee Jay's family, and pass along any funeral
arrangements when you can.


At 9:15 this morning, Lee Jay Graves moved on to his next big adventure.
Mimi, myself, and two of his sisters were there to pass on everyone's warm
regards and wish him well on this new journey. Lee Jay held a fascination
for the world that drove his thirst for knowledge and attention to detail,
and he touched the lives of many with his kindness and conversation. We
will miss you, friend.

In celebration of our great times with LJ, we will have an impromptu
gathering around a fire tonight at the Ediger compound on Mockingbird. Fire
starts at sunset (7:11). Please park on the road.

In his honor, there will also be a caver-style celebration of Lee Jay's
life and times on the 1st of December (that's next Saturday, folks).
Details coming soon.

On Nov 23, 2018, at 19:33, Justin Shaw <> wrote:

Lee Jay Graves has suffered a massive stroke with subarachnoid bleeding.
His condition continues to deteriorate and he is not expected to recover.

If you would like to visit him he is at the main St. David’s hospital on
32nd St. here in Austin. He is on the 5th floor, room 555. Nurses recommend
coming tonight or early tomorrow. There are no restrictions on visiting
hours. Though he seems unresponsive, the sense of hearing is often the last
to go.

His family is aware, and his sisters are in route and expected to arrive
tonight or early tomorrow morning.

If you would like details, I’m willing to talk on the phone. 512-593-2283

With Love,

(apologies for such a heavy post, however when you’ve touched as many lives
as LJ did, there’s too many people who’ll want to be in the loop for me to
even think of everyone, much less directly contact everyone)

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