Thank you for the news Justin.
Please pass on my condolences and prayers to Lee Jay and family.

On Fri, Nov 23, 2018, 7:33 PM Justin Shaw < wrote:

> Lee Jay Graves has suffered a massive stroke with subarachnoid bleeding.
> His condition continues to deteriorate and he is not expected to recover.
> If you would like to visit him he is at the main St. David’s hospital on
> 32nd St. here in Austin. He is on the 5th floor, room 555. Nurses recommend
> coming tonight or early tomorrow. There are no restrictions on visiting
> hours. Though he seems unresponsive, the sense of hearing is often the last
> to go.
> His family is aware, and his sisters are in route and expected to arrive
> tonight or early tomorrow morning.
> If you would like details, I’m willing to talk on the phone. 512-593-2283
> With Love,
>     Justin
> (apologies for such a heavy post, however when you’ve touched as many
> lives as LJ did, there’s too many people who’ll want to be in the loop for
> me to even think of everyone, much less directly contact everyone)
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