>From David Locklear
( hit delete button now, please )

Normally, by mid-December, my business is dead as a door-nail.   But
due to Hurricane Harvey, there is a tremendous backlog in the work that
I do, and I am currently swamped.    I could possibly hire a caver
in Houston to do a delivery for me - maybe several between now and the
first week of January.    The delivery would involve driving 50 miles and
up with some ridiculous bureaucracy, and the receiver of the delivery would
likely not be happy to see you, and might have to be delivered on Christmas
or Christmas Day or NYE or New Year's Day.     The pay is somewhere between
peanuts with sea-salt and honey-roasted peanuts, and might not even cover
your gas.

On a similar note, I urgently need to find a good roommate.   I have a sweet
apartment now, but there is no place to park a car.

I will be celebrating Festivus on Dec. 23rd at my apartment, and should have
ice-cream and soft-drinks, and hopefully a cold six-pack of Smirnoff Ice.

I am hoping to make a caver NYE party, if there is a good one going on.   I
doubt I can go to the one in Huntsville.

I would like to watch my favorite caver rock-band, GFB, perform in the near

There is a 5 % chance I will end up in the Mexican bordertown of Reynosa
during the last
week of December and a 5 % chance I will end up at my sisters in Mansfield,
south of

On a personal note, I have had about 10 customers pay me on-line this past
few weeks using
things like Zelle, PayPal, Cash app, Chase Quickpay, and SQUARE, but still
living above
my means.   Those use my business email:    da...@houston-subpoena.com

In summary, going caving is not feasible right now, but I have finally
found my vertical gear,
after many years of it being boxed up.    I hope to buy a new headlamp by

2019 will be the year of Desktop Linux ( a Linux joke )



Cashtag $dlocklear01

mailing address:
4545 Cook Rd.  #716
Houston, TX 77072

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