Oh good grief Michael - become an adult.

Many of us don’t want to listen to your radicalized political views any more 
than you want to listen to ours. 

This list is about CAVES and CAVING.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 22, 2019, at 7:42 AM, Michael Gibbons <6453...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So the politically charged federal shutdown is caving related and the facts, 
> undistorted as they are, about the politically charged shutdown is 
> propaganda. 
> I'm not even gonna justisfy that complete lack of anything logic, with a 
> response. I knew there was a reason I quit joining any discussion in this 
> forum. If it ain't in agreement with your narrow minded ways you get singled 
> out and your words get twisted.
> It's not like I don't monitor this media. As soon as yall posted me last time 
> the ban on all things craving was lifted. 
> I hate hippocrates more than I hate stupid.
> See ya in a year when I'm sure I'll talk myself into thinking you reasonable, 
> unbiased, non judge mental, accepting folks. Im sure you'll disappoint.  This 
> time took less than 24 hrs.
> Toddlers turds
>> On Tue, Jan 22, 2019, 6:42 AM John Brooks <john.brooks.archit...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>> How did political propaganda creep onto the Texas Cavers email list ?
>> Reinstate the ban on political discussions - keep this list ABOUT CAVES & 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 22, 2019, at 5:00 AM, Michael Gibbons <6453...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Write Chuck and Nancy and tell them to pretend their not hippocrates and 
>>> like they did when Obama was in office.
>>> In Chuckles words when defending his unwavering position on a border 
>>> barrier and the 670mi he sponsored. Walls don't work, fences do.
>>> As he was coming out of DNC headquarters, surrounded by 2 1/2 miles of ten 
>>> foot concrete wall with guard tended gates.
>>> It doesn't matter who caused the debacle and the jury is still out in that 
>>> but the continuance falls squarely on the shoulders of an irresponsible and 
>>> hypocritical political leadership. 
>>> I feel for your plight but you should consider yourself lucky.  Lots of 
>>> folks deal with similar problems from layoffs that won't begin after 
>>> playing politics with our lives is not longer the hate Trump "crisis" 
>>> dujour.
>>> People that have to strike to better their stature don't get letters to 
>>> send to their debtors even once and in most families in financial 
>>> difficulty the first thing to go and the last thing to resume is daycare. 
>>> Your quite fortunate to be so secure 
>>>> On Tue, Jan 22, 2019, 4:11 AM Missy Singleton <missie...@hotmail.com wrote:
>>>> I agree with what Kathy said.  As a Fed we are regularly warned/taught 
>>>> about what we should and should not say regarding political issues to 
>>>> others and on social media.  The furlough sucks financially and 
>>>> environmentally.  Im actually stressed about not working because I know 
>>>> all the time sensitive issues I was working on will bottle neck.  Time 
>>>> sensitive analysis document regarding the potential to protect species in 
>>>> rapid decline.  I’m a non-essential so I’m not being asked to work without 
>>>> pay, thankfully.  Most of my coworkers have filed for unemployment and 
>>>> some are working for temp agencies.  I’m using this time to tackle big 
>>>> projects at home since we bought our house and moved when I was 9 months 
>>>> pregnant.  Money is tight!  Daycare doesn’t care if I’m not getting paid 
>>>> and if we withdrew our kids to save money they’d loose there positions 
>>>> plus we’d have to pay registration again when re enrolling them.  The 
>>>> paperwork we got at the beginning of the furlough to share with creditors 
>>>> has expired. Issuing a new one sounds easy, but not when over 90% of us 
>>>> have elected to not have paper communication and all of our accounts are 
>>>> set for email notification and all of our government equipment is 
>>>> forbidden to be used and government website for our branch of DOI haven’t 
>>>> all been able to be maintained.  All of my information coming from 
>>>> leadership has come in the form of novel length text messages and 
>>>> extremely short notice conference calls.  We are all just trying to ride 
>>>> the big wave and cope the best we can.  I’m really proud of my efforts to 
>>>> learn how to restore our back deck and our new landscaping will look great 
>>>> when it’s completed.  Hopefully my garden will be productive coming out of 
>>>> this as well.
>>>> Missy
>>>> DOI, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Employee in Arlington, TX.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Jan 22, 2019, at 2:03 AM, Michael Gibbons <6453...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Trump signed a new bill into law a few days ago that will back pay the 
>>>>> furloughed federal employees with very few exceptions. It was democratic 
>>>>> sponsored bill that passed the Senate and the house and was signed as 
>>>>> soon as it hit trump's desk. 
>>>>> But of course the media didn't cover it. They don't like covering 
>>>>> anything good the man does. Funny thing though it takes the thunder away 
>>>>> from the dems that sponsered it. Kinda takes away the motivation to do 
>>>>> anything bipartisan. But the media is really our friend. 
>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 21, 2019, 8:56 PM Katherine Arens <ar...@austin.utexas.edu 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> yes, he may get paid IF he’s actually working without pay — and it’s 
>>>>>> likely the interest will add up.  THis is a rotten situation for federal 
>>>>>> employees.  
>>>>>> Write your local congressperson .. .  whatever side you’re on
>>>>>> katie
>>>>>>> On Jan 21, 2019, at 8:50 PM, Michael Gibbons <6453...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> They will all get back paid when it's over. I'm sure his mortgage 
>>>>>>> company will understand. Especially if he drops them a line. 
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 21, 2019, 1:25 PM Cathy Winfrey <cathywinfr...@gmail.com 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> How David.
>>>>>>>> If a Federal Employee wants to go the distance, they will keep their 
>>>>>>>> opinions very close. Not air them on a public forum.
>>>>>>>> My brother works for the Forest Service, and will talk to me, but 
>>>>>>>> never where his opinions can be overheard. 
>>>>>>>> He's NOT watching the news, and doing woodworking projects.
>>>>>>>> Perhaps fretting about his mortgage next month, a bit.
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 18, 2019, 2:48 PM David <dlocklea...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>>>>>> There is all sorts of stuff to talk about, yet it seems quiet out 
>>>>>>>>> there on CaveTex.
>>>>>>>>> Any of you affected by the gov't shutdown.
>>>>>>>>> I recall there is a caver who works for the Border Patrol or 
>>>>>>>>> something similar to that.
>>>>>>>>> I know a semi-retired caver it east Texas ( who would prefer to 
>>>>>>>>> remain anonymous ) has
>>>>>>>>> been on furlough.
>>>>>>>>> I imagine there are cavers in Carlsbad or that work for caves on land 
>>>>>>>>> controlled by the
>>>>>>>>> Federal Government, that might be affected.    I can only guess they 
>>>>>>>>> are using their
>>>>>>>>> spare time to go caving.
>>>>>>>>> I do not think the shutdown is affecting me.    I sometimes deliver 
>>>>>>>>> court summons for the
>>>>>>>>> Federal courts, but that is not really any significant part of my 
>>>>>>>>> income.
>>>>>>>>> The news media is making a faithful effort to make it sound like 
>>>>>>>>> Armageddon is about to begin.
>>>>>>>>> There is plenty of fun exciting news going on, but you have to hunt 
>>>>>>>>> for it.     Watching YouTube,
>>>>>>>>> occasionally one will find an interesting video.    There are other 
>>>>>>>>> places on the web with interesting
>>>>>>>>> videos.    ( I do not watch much tv.    I just found out yesterday 
>>>>>>>>> that, I missed Season One of Star Trek
>>>>>>>>> Discovery )
>>>>>>>>> On a lighter note, 
>>>>>>>>> an enormous gigantic wall is being built in Houston.     This wall 
>>>>>>>>> serves several purposes,
>>>>>>>>> but one of which is security.     It is only a mile long though, and 
>>>>>>>>> is much more sturdy than they walls shown
>>>>>>>>> along the southern Texas border.      Yet, not a single person is 
>>>>>>>>> protesting this wall, paid for by Texas taxpapers.
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>>>>>> ************************
>>>>>> Katherine Arens
>>>>>>        Phones: Office(512) 232-6363
>>>>>> ar...@austin.utexas.edu
>>>>>>   Dept. Phone:  (512) 471-4123
>>>>>> Dept. of Germanic Studies
>>>>>>     FAX (512) 471-4025
>>>>>> 2505 University Ave, C3300 
>>>>>> Bldg.Location:  Burdine 336
>>>>>> University of Texas at Austin
>>>>>> Office:  Burdine 320
>>>>>> Austin, TX  78712-1802
>>>>>>                       -.                         .-
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