Edwards Aquifer Philosophical Society -
aka brown bag luncheon

Thursday, January 31, 2019 at Noon

Helium Operations

Richard E. Rieman, P.E.

Edwards Aquifer Authority
Training Room
900 E Quincy Street, San Antonio, TX 78215

 Mr. Richard E. Rieman, P.E. will present on "Helium Operations" The 
presentation will occur on Thursday, January 31, 2019 from Noon. to 1:00 P.M. 
in the Training Room at the Edwards Aquifer Authority, 900 E. Quincy Street, 
San Antonio, Texas. These are informal presentations so please feel free to 
bring your lunch. You may also contact the EAA at 210.222.2204 or<>
 for additional directions.

If you are traveling a long distance for the talk, I would recommend that you 
call our receptionist at 210.222.2204 that morning to make sure that the talk 
is still scheduled.  On very rare occasions, we have had to cancel or move the 
talk.  I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Helium has been a strategic resource of the United States since 1920 when the 
National Helium Reserve was established, but in recent decades it has become 
more important to our national security and our economy. A shortage of the gas 
developed to the point that processors of the gas saw their crude helium 
supplies rationed starting in 2005 which impacted consumers starting in 2008. 
The presentation will cover the properties and uses of helium, and the 
successful efforts to alleviate the shortage. The sources and economics of 
helium production will also be discussed.


Richard Rieman is a professional engineer registered in Texas and Oklahoma. He 
has drilled and completed oil and gas wells both onshore and offshore in eight 
states including fracture stimulations, artificial stimulation, water 
processing, and surface requirements. From 2006 to 2012 he worked in the 
National Helium Reserve where he raised world helium supply from 8MMcf to 9MMcf 
per day, ending a shortage. He has also abated frac interference between 
horizontal wells, prepared reserve estimates, Spill Prevention and Cleanup 
Contingency Plans, and a wind and wave assessment for an offshore platform. Mr. 
Rieman has published several technical papers and is semi-retired after a long 


Geary Schindel

Chief Technical Officer,
Aquifer Management Services<>

210.222.2204 ext 346

900 E Quincy
San Antonio, TX 78215


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