Sometime around 1990, several Austin cavers were planning a trip to
ridgewalk in the Sierra de Guatemala just north of Joya de Salas. ( feel
free to correct me on that )

They were armed with aerial photos take by Peter Sprouse and some rumored

At the time, Rolf Adams (R.I.P. ), a young aspiring speleologist from
Australia was staying in Austin.

I somehow managed to sneak under the radar as a stowaway in Brian Burton's
(R.I.P.) new 1989 Ford 4x4 Bronco.  I think Mary Standifer rode with us.

In the other car, a 1986 4x4 Toyota 2-door 4Runner, was Bill and Rolf.

Our first stop was to swim in Nacimiento del Rio Sabinas.
( been there several times since )

Anyways, the most memorable part of the trip ( for me only ) was that my
entire 26 year old life I had been thoroughly brainwashed that Ford's were
the best and imports, especially Toyotas were junk. [ Sidenote:   My
biological father was a card-carrying 40 year member of American Automobile
Workers Union, although he was a career employee of Bell Helicopter.  And
my grandpa was a WW2 Veteran, and as anti-Jap as one could be.  And my
step-father thoroughly instilled in me that  companies outside the USA,
illegally cloned all American technology. ]

Back to the Bill part.

Bill taught me on that trip how wrong I had been taught.  The 4Runner could
go places the Bronco could not, and was 10 times more reliable than the

When I got home, I gave up my dream building the infamous
SpeleoStationwagon ( a 1972 Ford Country Squire ), although I did not trade
it in for a Mazda until about 1994.

Anyways, we did not find anything noteworthy that I recall.  Somewhere in
my storage unit is probably a sketch that I made of a solo trip into a tiny
60 foot pit near our campfire.   The next day Rolf did a quick bop of
something like Sotano de San Francisco ( which was 2 feet from the road
trail up the mountain before you get to a house marked Julilo on the 1985
era topo-map.   I think Rolf said it was a blind pit about 75 meters deep.
It is listed clearly in "Caves of the Inter-Amercan Highway."  [ a book
sold to me for $100 from Pete Lindsley ]  Did he rig to the Toyota bumper ?

Maybe Mary Standifer recalls more than I do.

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